Why is this rated so high?
Personally I found nothing to like in any of the characters in this movie. The old woman who alternates between letting Lou grope her and screaming at him like he's a child...Susan Saradon, who I can't stand in anything she does but is too boggle-eyed in this movie...her pothead Hare Krishna sister...and even Lou himself, who I found to be quite unbelievable.
Seriously, who brags about murdering someone?
Why do white people who convert to Hinduism believe that they have to use inhuman amounts of mind-altering drugs when over one billion Hindus don't feel the need too?
Why do I find it hard to believe that a gangster would murder someone in broad daylight...on the street...and no one sees a damn thing?
Why would a thug take over ten seconds to react after his thug buddy is shot?
Why is the knife-stabbing scene the fakest-looking knifing I've ever seen??
Why did I hope everyone in this movie dropped dead and was washed away in the Atlantic Ocean?????
It's Cosmo...He's Chinese.