Why did I just lose 107 minutes of my life?!
Seriously though. I watch a lot of films, specifically a lot of sci-fi films.
At the time of watching Altered States I was pretty damn stoned.
Seems like it would be a pretty good state of mind to be in to enjoy this film.
However After the first half of the film Id seen about 30 minutes of 'story' I use that term loosely, and about 25 minutes of completely random BS dream sequences.
Each dream sequence (I could be very wrong) seemed about like 4-6 minutes. This is just far too long to watch a bunch of random religeous/sexual imagery. It didnt freak me out, it didnt inspire thought. It was just random and weird.
I dont get the point, I stuck with the movie because Id heard good things about it and when it finally got to the point. It wants me to believe that this guy regressed into 'the missing link' because of a halluconegenic (sp?, whatever) drug and an isolation tank.
Where the hell is the sense in that it makes no sense, and its not like some films that make no sense but you can forgive it because it was cool. It was just lame.
Seemed like the whole story only existed so the director could make a film full of random BS and claim it was art, or maybe even science? What the hell do I know. I have no idea what the director was thinking.
Im presuming someone is going to say that I just didnt 'get it'. Well Id appreciate it if someone could explain it to me because what I just saw was pretty awful.