MovieChat Forums > Salem's Lot (1979) Discussion > This movie is the reason...

This movie is the reason...

I had frequent nightmares as child of scratches at my window, glowing eyes, hissing freaking vampires. My name is Jessica, and I would always dream of Danny or Ralphie or Mike at my window going "Let me in Jesssssssssica" in their creepy ass voices. I was 8 when I first saw it. I walked in on my Dad watching it, he warned me that it was scary and that I should not be watching it, but being a kid I thought I could handle it. I was never the same (lol).

This movie is also the reason that to THIS DAY (I am 28 now)I must keep my curtains and blinds closed at night. If there is even a small opening where I can see out I get unbelievably creeped out and have to go close them completely.

Even to this day when I watch it I still find these vampires to be the creepiest ones in any movie I've ever seen. It's all about those damn eyes.

Now as an adult it is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. The only other movie that had (almost but not quite) an equal effect on me as a child was the 1979 version of Dawn of the Dead...but Salem's Lot still takes the traumatizing cake for me, lol.

You know the best part? You just wasted 2 seconds of your life reading my sig.


I have yet to see creepier contacts than those and this was 79. Very well done vampires. the floating, the scratching, the make up - especially barlow. and the fact that they had to be "let in", it all shows that the writer/director knew their vampires. well done film. a nice film to commence the fall movie line up


I have yet to see creepier contacts than those and this was 79. Very well done vampires. the floating, the scratching, the make up - especially barlow. and the fact that they had to be "let in", it all shows that the writer/director knew their vampires. well done film. a nice film to commence the fall movie line up
With the exception of entering the Petrie house, I'd agree with you here. That is the one flaw in your argument. Other than this goof in all three versions of the story, I'd agree with you.


Yes I have to agree with 'Just-Jess' the OP. There are numerous images, and in fact a fantastically creepy atmosphere to the 1979 production which means that it has stuck in my mind for many years after my childhood.

Furthermore the novel is now one of my favorite books of all time.

It's a real testimony to the power of the production that it has remained in my mind (and with those of the other frequent posters to the board here) that it is still be regularly discussed all of this time later.

Cheers for now.


The exact thing happened to me, but I was 7.



Yes I have to agree with 'Just-Jess' the OP. There are numerous images, and in fact a fantastically creepy atmosphere to the 1979 production which means that it has stuck in my mind for many years after my childhood.

Furthermore the novel is now one of my favourite books of all time.

It's a real testimony to the power of the production that it has remained in my mind (and with those of the other frequent posters to the board here) that it is still be regularly discussed all of this time later.

Cheers for now.

I saw it on its second run in the UK at the tender age of 10.

Cheers for now.


This movie had this effect on a lot of people.
