I liked it, in the same way I tend to like the more fun exploitation movies of the era. A great thing about exploitation horror movies of the era is they tended to not take themselves seriously. They knew what they were making, and so did the audience, so there was often a tongue in cheek quality to them. For some American examples, see the Friday the 13th series, Stuart Gordon's Lovecraft adaptations (especially Re-Animator), and any movie with some combination of Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, & Michelle Bauer.
You don't watch these movies to be scared. They were deliberately over the top, which was a large part of what made them fun. The low budget make-up and special effects were actually impressive in those pre-CGI days. Part of the appeal, in fact, was "Wow. They did that eye gouging/scalping/etc really well." Our modern CGI effects just don't have that "Be creative on a low budget" quality the late 70s/80s exploitation movies had.