MovieChat Forums > Over the Edge (1979) Discussion > Things I learned from Over The Edge

Things I learned from Over The Edge

1. A kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid.

2. All they got in Texas is steers and queers.

3. Drive-ins and bowling alleys are not good enough reasons to get people to move to a new town.

4. A vandal is defined as someone who willfully, wontedly, and ignorantly damages or destroys valuable or beautiful things.


The only thing Carl carries in his pockets is a comb. And it looks like he barely used it.

Claude hates stuffed peppers. So do I. I would have run away from home if my mother had made stuffed peppers more than about once a year.


If you're one of many students who have locked the adults inside and are terrorizing the school and entire neighborhood, don't hand the youth counselor a phone through the security gate, and then dial 0 when she asks you.


KatrinaW This is my favourite comment! I laughed so hard I peed a little!!

By the way (this may be a stupid question), what was wrong with that little boy who didn't talk? For some reason I originally thought he wouldn't speak because of some kind of trauma in his past but after reading some of these posts, I think that assumption is wrong? Any theories? :/


The nerdy kid gets the bad girl that sleeps with every boy in town at the end.

A cop who shoots a teen suspect dead doesn't get put on routine paid administrative leave and still gets to address concerned parents defending what he did while still emotionally traumatized by the incident.

To pass a biology test, you don't need to study for it, you just need some speed (but be careful not to mistake acid for speed).

To make kids behave, get the adults to make the kids watch a movie that glamorizes violence and destruction.

Young women who are still teenagers inside get to run rec centers for troubled teens.

Teen drug dealers are just as financially savvy as economists.

It's perfectly legal for 14-15 year olds to drive.

Cops are not good at securing their vehicles loaded with weapons and ammo, so much so even a teenager could break into them.

Parents love commercial developers more than their kids.

The victim of a bully makes peace with the bully at the end.

A boy gets turned on watching a girl waving and pointing a loaded gun at him while dancing to Cheap Trick's "Surrender."

The same boy who gets shot by the girl miraculously doesn't get shot.


When you turn 16 you start playing for real.

The parents of New Granada were in such a hopped-up hurry to get out the city that they turned their kids into exactly what they're trying to get away from.

When it comes to rock and roll, old crap is better than nothing.

Jocks are fags.

Maybe you're mad at the school but busting something doesn't help.

Nobody comes to open school week...and that includes Mr. Willat.

Ooh child, things are gonna get easier.


You can't drink a quart beer at the teen center after it closes

If you lose two contacts on the side of the road when a cop drives by he wont believe you.

The A/C is out at the Cadillac dealership

3023 Ursula Lane Aurora Colorado has a smiley face trash can that you can hide behind.

If your dad is a lawyer you know the private property laws

A police officer cannot enter the Teen Center, its a city ordinance.

Carl prefers Pepsi, Richie prefers Coke.


Doberman has the situation under control.



