The nerdy kid gets the bad girl that sleeps with every boy in town at the end.
A cop who shoots a teen suspect dead doesn't get put on routine paid administrative leave and still gets to address concerned parents defending what he did while still emotionally traumatized by the incident.
To pass a biology test, you don't need to study for it, you just need some speed (but be careful not to mistake acid for speed).
To make kids behave, get the adults to make the kids watch a movie that glamorizes violence and destruction.
Young women who are still teenagers inside get to run rec centers for troubled teens.
Teen drug dealers are just as financially savvy as economists.
It's perfectly legal for 14-15 year olds to drive.
Cops are not good at securing their vehicles loaded with weapons and ammo, so much so even a teenager could break into them.
Parents love commercial developers more than their kids.
The victim of a bully makes peace with the bully at the end.
A boy gets turned on watching a girl waving and pointing a loaded gun at him while dancing to Cheap Trick's "Surrender."
The same boy who gets shot by the girl miraculously doesn't get shot.