MovieChat Forums > Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Discussion > ur view on what happens after the ending...

ur view on what happens after the ending??

Imo, i got this feeling that they would get together and remarry cos they seemed to care for eachother and after all this court battle for son's coustedy they develop a mutual respect for each other's postive side aswell.

What do u think might have happened ?? just curious :-)


Despite the fact that Ted had said he would not remarry Joanna (which he may well have felt at the time - or he may not have wanted to raise his son's hopes), I would expect them to get back together.

I think this was telegraphed in the way they were both very obviously very fond of each other and neither had started a permanent, serious, relationship.

Add to that the fact that Ted now understood what he had been doing wrong and the importance of family, and Joanna could clearly see that Ted had changed in just the way she would have wanted him to.

An initial impetus to them attempting to restart the relationship would be their desire to do the best for their son. Agreed that is not a sensible sole foundation for a long term relationship but it could play a big part in rekindling one.


I don't see them getting back together. You can care for someone but not love them. They did have a bond because of their son, but I think that was where it ended. And IMO, getting back together would not have been the best thing for their son unless they were truly in love with each other. If they only got together for their son's sake and were never truly happy together, Billy would blame himself for their unhappiness because they got back together for him. I have seen this happen more then once to friends where their parents stayed together for their kid's sake...basically a loveless marriage at that point. And in each case, my friends blamed themselves for their parents unhappy marriage. They often wished that their parents would just go ahead and get divorced. A house with a loveless marriage is no place to raise a child. Don't know why people seem to think it is a good idea to stay together simply for their kid's sake. Kids aren't stupid and can tell when their parents are unhappy. The last thing you should want is for your kid to blame your unhappiness on themselves. And divorce is not always hard on a long as parents handle it right. After their divorce, my parents never fought in front of us or spoke negatively about each other. They treated each other with respect and never made us feel like we were in a tug of war between them. The divorce was easy compared to living in a home where it was obvious our parents had grown apart and weren't in love anymore.


You people are crazy - there is no way those two people were getting back together. She hated her marriage to him and blamed him for her unhappiness.


I wish they would get marriage counseling, and actually make things work for their son's sake. BUT, logically, we all know that is unlikely. Convention dictates that once you're divorced, men and women rarely if ever get back together. She was adamant about getting away from him, being independent, being on her own, blah, blah, blah. She got her wish in spades. She doesn't have to deal with the responsibilities of motherhood. She proves that dads can actually be better parents sometimes.


The idea that they would get back together is imo nothing but sentimental wishful thinking.

From the moment she left, Joanna didn't show a spark of interest or regard for Ted as a person. She blamed him for her own feelings, and the only time she spoke to him considerately was at the court when she tried to explain she didn't tell her attorney to use the business about Billy's eye injury in the hearing -- and even then I felt it was more about her image of herself than any thought for Ted's feelings. At the end, in the foyer, when she cried (in self-pity), Ted hugged her; she didn't return it. So why imagine she had any interest in restarting the relationship?

As the lift door closed, when she raised her eyebrow at Ted's emotional generosity, I think she may have had a flicker of realising she'd been wrong about him, at least to some degree. But what I think happened after that was that she left their lives again -- I suspect the lawyer was right, and she'd only come back to NY to pursue the custody claim -- and drifted off somewhere else, only ever seeing herself in the mirror. Honestly, they were better off without her.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Well said. What's more, the fact that Joanna took 2000 dollars out of their savings account which is basically like taking 2000 dollars out of Billy's mouth proves that she is not good for him... or any child for that matter. Joanna is an insecure mess. If a man showed the same amount of petty insecurity, I would be saying the same thing.

She is horrible to Ted and from I could tell, the worst thing you can say about Ted is that he lost focus on his family while his career was taking off. Who wouldn't? He's not abusing them. He's not cheating on Joanna. He's trying to make a better life for all of them. That's the problem with a lot of highly insecure women. They only see how a man's actions effect them. They don't bother to see the man as being a human being who's been reduced to being a human doing. He's a tool and these women only know how to use these men as tools. So, when Billy asks Ted, "Are you and mommy ever going to get remarried?" I feel like saying, "Fck no."

What did Joanna say in court? "I had almost no self-esteem"? Well, who says that a man like Ted has to constantly boost his wife's self-esteem?? Why is it that his self-esteem means so little that she could crush him one evening by walking out on him and their son? Why is it his job but not hers? Again, like I said, Ted didn't abuse Joanna... at least not intentional. By striving to succeed and make life better for his family, while his wife doesn't tell him anything (which is most likely given Joanna's personality), that is NOT abuse. She is an adult isn't she? Shouldn't she be held to the same emotional standards that we hold on men?


Nice whitewashed and delusional fairytale ending you have there. I really don't think Joanna had much of a positive side that was worth respecting.

By the end, Joanna realizes that she doesn't want Billy after all, as it would have spoiled her lifestyle as a free-spirited independent woman and would have held her back. She also wanted to punish Ted, for being a man. Women like Joanna shouldn't be having children and proves that women are not all naturally maternal, loving or make the best parents. She loved Billy of course; but only from her own limiting and self-absorbed narcissistic terms. She put Ted through hell, projected a whole heap of emotional confusion onto Billy and then when she proved that things could go her way and she got what she wanted, she didn't really want it after all. This woman had serious issues and it's a shame that Ted couldn't see this from the start.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.
