Well said. What's more, the fact that Joanna took 2000 dollars out of their savings account which is basically like taking 2000 dollars out of Billy's mouth proves that she is not good for him... or any child for that matter. Joanna is an insecure mess. If a man showed the same amount of petty insecurity, I would be saying the same thing.
She is horrible to Ted and from I could tell, the worst thing you can say about Ted is that he lost focus on his family while his career was taking off. Who wouldn't? He's not abusing them. He's not cheating on Joanna. He's trying to make a better life for all of them. That's the problem with a lot of highly insecure women. They only see how a man's actions effect them. They don't bother to see the man as being a human being who's been reduced to being a human doing. He's a tool and these women only know how to use these men as tools. So, when Billy asks Ted, "Are you and mommy ever going to get remarried?" I feel like saying, "Fck no."
What did Joanna say in court? "I had almost no self-esteem"? Well, who says that a man like Ted has to constantly boost his wife's self-esteem?? Why is it that his self-esteem means so little that she could crush him one evening by walking out on him and their son? Why is it his job but not hers? Again, like I said, Ted didn't abuse Joanna... at least not intentional. By striving to succeed and make life better for his family, while his wife doesn't tell him anything (which is most likely given Joanna's personality), that is NOT abuse. She is an adult isn't she? Shouldn't she be held to the same emotional standards that we hold on men?