MovieChat Forums > Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Discussion > My god this is an old movie!

My god this is an old movie!

Amazing how YOUNG Meryl Streep and Justin Hoffman look and what is more the child of the movie is a year older than me and I am middle aged now!

I just rewatched the preview and the most dated thing I saw was the boy NOT wearing a helmet while learning to ride a bike! Now it is the LAW that all minors under 18 have to wear bike helmets (though I think the law should apply to adults as well, I always get annoyed when parents do not also wear helmets. If they really cared about their children they would want to protect their child from the loss of a parent (or having to care for a brain damaged parent)

Amazingly that law did not exist throughout my entire childhood and I had countless bike wrecks growing up but amazingly my head was NEVER injured so I never would have benefited from a helmet anyway. Just lucky I guess.


What is amazing to me is that that became a law in the first place. A generation of sissies is what we're raising. Why even let the kids go out of the house in the first place. They may trip on a rock or a curb and break their neck.





It's terrible that kids can't go out anymore because the risk of being shot/abducted/being run over by a car.
A far cry from the still healthy situation in socialist democracies in Europe.


Back in the Seventies the number of kids dying from "unintentional injuries" (the technical term for accidents: drownings, fires, falling from heights, being run over by cars etc.) was way, way higher than it is now, like five times higher. I think this is a good change in the culture.


I noticed that in particular and also that the ground under the jungle gym was of something hard like gravel. Yes, they really did this in the '70s. Later it was replaced with wood chips and other things soft to land on.


I thought foam rubber mat-like things became the norm in and after the 70s.


Those, too, later in the 1970s. Earlier in the 1970s if you fell off playground equipment you REALLY knew it!


No playground I ever played in in the 70s had gravel. Back then they used sand.


Our school playground had gravel and even asphalt to hold the jungle gym. My best friend still suffers the effects of a fall around 50 years ago.


A great example of how those changes that people make fun of were actually very positive. Even when I was a kid myself, I couldn't believe they had asphalt underneath the jungle gym. But everyone treated that as normal, yet a few years later it was no longer normal and that's a good thing.


Helmets are a good thing in the USA, agreed.


"I think the law should apply to adults as well, I always get annoyed when parents do not also wear helmets."

You are a nanny who needs to learn to mind your own business. Wear a helmet if you want to, but leave others alone.


Especially because it somewhat weeds out the dumb people.
