I never really noticed or thought too much of the racial stuff before until I just recently re-watched it.
Sometimes the people cannot help where they are or change their situations.
The maid, who is near retirement age and not college educated, ends up in a real cheap motel or other very low class living situation where either she is collecting on SS or has a low paying job.
She is right and there is a point in showing how unfair things are to blacks and whites to where a moron gets mistaken for being a wise, rich businessman.
Let's say the car had bumped her instead.
You really think Eve would have taken her back?
I'm guessing she would have dropped her off at the hospital and left her there.
It was lucky that Chance was white and dressed like a rich man to be picked up and taken back to the mansion.
Chance, new to the world, stereotypes the X-Ray tech in the rich man's clinic home thinking he might know Rafael seeing he is black.
This would be way too sensitive to the woke morons even though it is just an honest and naive mistake so that scene or dialog or races would not happen or be different if this movie was made today because of the white, PC Nazis who ruin things for everyone else.