MovieChat Forums > All That Jazz (1979) Discussion > THIS is what beat Alien?!

THIS is what beat Alien?!

You guys have to be kidding me. Better set and art direction than Alien? Better costume design? Seriously?
I've never even heard of this film. People are STILL talking about how awesome Alien is (notice I said "is" and not "was"). Where did this film come from, out of a hat?
I haven't seen it, but I can already tell just by reading the synopsis and looking at screen shots that it really doesn't surprise me in the least that the Academy would pick a character study (based on a real person) rather than a dark, horrific sci-fi film. NOBODY talks about this film.
The Academy has had a long, long history of snubbing great works of cinematic art just because they fall into a certain genre (namely high-fiction). Even though Alien got Best Visual, I still feel it deserved more than that.
Anyway, rant over.


"I haven't seen it"

Nuff said!



This is only a kind of casual and off-the-cuff response to the original post, and is not meant to be taken entirely seriously.

I have not, at this time, read ALL of the posts. Only the Original Post. This response is ~only~ in reply to that.

* "People are STILL talking about how awesome Alien is…"

Trust me, people are still talking about "All That Jazz" as well. They are just different people, with a different priority set, than those who prefer the wonderful things that were pulled off in "Alien."

* "Where did this film come from, out of a hat?"

Now, I chuckled at this, and it is, indeed, a very "in" joke, that only a few people would actually "get." But if you stood before me, and asked this question of me, stated in this way, I really could only reply, "Yes. That's exactly where it came from. Out of a hat." In all seriousness. I don't mean that the film is not a tour de force. I do not mean that the film is to be taken lightly. I simply mean that, in a manner of speaking…yes. It came out of a hat.

* "NOBODY talks about this film."

I am sorry to sort of directly contradict you here, but the truth is, I, personally at least refer to the title of this film several times a week. It has many great lessons, and also can be a lot of fun. It makes me feel.


In general, it sounds as though you are somewhat frustrated by the lack of respect that is given by the Academy to certain films, simply because they fall into a certain category, namely high fiction, as well as science fiction, and fantasy. And it also sounds as though you are incredulous that a film that is, essentially, an Artpiece, would take the award in certain categories.

I would advise not to worry about this. The Academy are coming around. They recognized "Lord Of The Rings." The values of "what might be good" are changing.

In the meantime, I would remind you that "All That Jazz" took the Palme d'Or, (The Grand Prize, or literally, "The Golden Palm,) " at the worldwide Cannes International Film Festival that year. This means that it was pretty much acclaimed by the experts around the world as "the best film of the year."

Not a rant here…just some thoughts.


Yes, it was better than Alien and it deserved everything it won. Alien made a lot more money though.

This movie, is a tough watch. You think dancing, Fosse...happiness? NOT. This was a painfully autobiographical film about a very dark time in Fosse's life. The death wish just over takes everything.

Although I love it, I put in the category occupied by films like Requiem for a Dream. Fantastic...but nothing I would want to sit through again.


You think dancing, Fosse...happiness?

I'm curious:
What in Fosse's history would have given you that idea? (Especially in film.)

Personally, I'm far more likely to re-watch All That Jazz than, for example, Sophie's Choice or Schindler's List. And I have watched All That Jazz a number of times over the years. Heck, I saw it several times in the theater (when I was in college, 1979-84, a just-off-campus theater had it as a weekend midnight movie for a good couple years or so; that's also why I saw Apocalypse Now several times in the theater; the midnight shows were relatively cheap).


I don't necessarily disagree, but if you haven't seen a film you have no right to rant like this about it.
