
The white males died before the black one and the females.

Do you see what they are doing now, these leftie evildoers? Retroactively ruining great movies by turning them into wokefests.



Woketards are truly crap at trolling




dammit theyve gone too far now!

those box ticking agenda pushing commie bastards!


"Hurr meh so funneh, look at me and my straw man duuuurrrr!"


I'm looking at you and your logical fallacy. There is no straw-man in his comment.


There is. Ironic that you speak of fallacies but fail to see it.

OP responded to an "issue" none of the people he is mocking ever raised.
The actual complaints of those being against woke are of a different nature but since he cannot refute these, he creates a false narrative that he "counters" with his oh-so-clever post.


It is exactly the issue the people he is mocking constantly and tediously raise due to their obsession of white persecution complex.


It's not a complex, it's actually happening across the western world and even outside of it.
"White men" are the most targeted and despised group by now for no other reason than leftist propaganda.

Look at South Africa where white farmers are being killed due to racism.
Look at young women and their "we don't need no (white!) men!" idiocracy level stupidity going on.
Look at the US where white people as a whole are scolded for something some of their ancestors did hundreds of years ago, while those accusing them ignore the rest of history, including their own and the fact that the most enslaved race of all time is and always was white people, or how black people sold their own to white people in the first place - but no one wants to talk about that, or why black people really die in exorbitantly higher rates in the US, or why some 7% of the population commit over 50% of homicides.
On top, the same people generalizing all white people as "evil white oppressors" ignore that it was white people who also put an end to slavery in the US and gave everyone the rights and freedoms they enjoy today, but who cares, white man bad!

Leftist ideologues like the ones running Disney invest Billions into their anti-white hate campaign, willfully having one movie after the other bomb because they insist on this idiotic race swapping for no other reason but their racist ideology. Meanwhile, imagine the shit storm if someone would unironically make an MLK movie and have MLK be a white guy. American cities would be, once more, on fire and see more of those infamous "mostly peaceful protests".

All these people who loudly shout and scream about "ending racism!" are exactly who keep racism alive. They are textbook racists but they do not realize it because they are completely indoctrinated these days and made terms like racist, nazi and others completely meaningless, because they call everyone "Hitler!" who disagrees with them on anything.

So much for a "complex".


"OP responded to an "issue" none of the people he is mocking ever raised."

He said: "The white males died before the black one and the females."

That is a statement of fact.

"Do you see what they are doing now, these leftie evildoers? Retroactively ruining great movies by turning them into wokefests."

An inquiry, an opinion. Another statement of fact mixed with opinion.

Where is the straw-man?


Absolutely a straw man, but leave it up to our resident troll to not understand that or the meaning of irony.


Troll score: 1/10

Troll smart not hard, kiddo!


Ripley isn't bitchy or gay enough. She's also the only woman on the crew. The men weren't weak enough or gay enough either. The story didn't suck either. Woke films have to have a shitty story written by an inexperienced college graduate or an untalented loser who never made it in Hollyweird without powerful friends. The story also doesn't force you to empathize with the alien either. The actors were too good too. You need crappy actors in addition to the other traits listed above for this to be a woke film.


The Alien was black.


Preferably directed by a neophyte whose only experience was working on a no budget β€œdocumentary”. Who could possibly be better to take over a blockbuster franchise than that.

There were 2 women on the crew. The other one cried, and died. That simply wouldn’t happen with a modern woke film featuring strong empowered invincible boss queens.


To be fair, in Aliens during the inquiry, in the background as the Nostromo crew manifest is being scrolled, it is revealed that Lambert was a biological male.


ah , so
weak woman didnt die , man did - NOT WOKE!
crew member was tranny - WOKE !

golly what a quandary , how we will we ever sort this out?


"golly what a quandary , how we will we ever sort this out?"

My preferred method is to just watch the (any) damn film, and enjoy it or not for what it is.

Why is that so controversial nowadays?

I just noticed I messed the details up. Lambert was born male, but had gender re-assignment surgery.


My preferred method is to just watch the (any) damn film, and enjoy it or not for what it is.

spot on , I've posted exactly this dozens of times in response to those angry "anti-woke" bitches
(my post above was a little sarcasm :] )


In Aliens the two female marines are contemptuous of their male comrades. Talk down to them constantly and question their manhoods.

Ripley's not even military and she easily commandeers the APC from a weak Lieutenant with the aid of the prissy beta Burke.

It's constantly written and designed to have the male marines look foolish for underestimating Ripley because she is a woman and the Xenos too because they're sexist and racist or something.

The survival of the remainder of the team is put in jeopardy by Ripley's personal commitment to redeeming herself as a mother/woman and to save a little girl who wanted to be left alone anyway.


Yeah but they dont call that one woke because they like the movie from back before when their brains were corrupted and they were told by the internet hate machine to hate movies with women or blacks in .

They'll jump through some mental hoops to justify this and bang on about ... oh i cant remember "ripley is a 'proper' character" or some shit like that


"...but that was well written." Says buttmunch film critic who can't string two words together to explain what's well written about it. "Well written" just means that when they first saw it they weren't burdened with the whining paranoia that a generation of basement-dwelling sad sacks with keyboards has drummed into them. In other words nobody told them to think that way about it so, naturally, they don't.


hammer. nail . head.



