First seen as a child

When I was very young my grand parents were the only people we knew who had cable service with a movie channel and we would go visit on weekends. My dad was all excited before one visit and said we were going to be watching a movie called The Wild Geese! My mother judged it by the title and thought it was a Disney movie or something, so we all sat down to watch and needless to say after the Concord hostage scene my dad and I were left to watch it alone. I have loved this film since that moment. I know when it was made and even to this day it is somewhat controversial because of its political incorrectness, but it’s one hell of a film with a great cast and ending. Famous Congo mercenary Mike Hoare was the technical advisor and it really shows. I just wanted to see if there are any other lovers of this little talked about film on this board.


By the time it made it to UK tv I'd have been about 10 or 11 , would have seen bits and pieces of it.
finally got round to watching it properly yesterday.

One of my first thoughts was "Jeez were these guys *ever* young" :)
