Not Very Good...

Saw this when it first came out back in '78'. Had read the books back in the '60s' and the articles in F.M. and Starlog heralding this movie version. Bakshi touting it was better then ANYTHING Disney had done. WELL, IT WAS NOT! This film did not past the 15" test, for that is when I looked at my watch and started a countdown for when it would end. Found it felt and looked like it was made on the cheap, just like WIZARDS. Rated IMDB****Four, now after Rewatching this morning on TCM see no need to alter that rating. Better to plough through the Books again or P.J.s' version then endure another watching of this.


I'm just now getting into LoTR. I watched the extended cuts of Jackson's Hobbit films and then I watched this. I plan to watch the rest of the animated movies and of course the Jackson LoTR movies. I would say this is about as good as the Hobbit movies. The acting was quite good, and the tone was much more consistent.


TKsOpinion; Do not consider the animated efforts in anyway equal to the Peter Jackson films. They are just not very good at all.


You can disagree with me all you want. You can't tell me what to think of a film. This film has it's flaws. As do the Peter Jackson Hobbit films.


TksOpinion: NOBODY is telling you what to think. I told you what I think. Can you not tell the difference?


The point is, you've already told people what you think at the start of and throughout this thread. Someone states their opinion, and then you refute it and restate something you've already said. We get it: you don't like the film. If you don't want someone to think you're telling them their opinion is "wrong", then don't shoot their opinion down.
