The pods are the good guys...

There I said it.


Because mindless collectivism is a good thing!


I mean we would end all world wars, there would be no violence or discrimination against anyone. You just find it terrible because you aren't podded. This has absolutely nothing to do with left wing politics.


The metaphor could just as easily be interpreted as right wing ("MAGA") politics. Either way, collectivism scares the absolute shit out of me. I NEVER want to think or be like anyone else in the world.

Also, there's no reason to believe smaller collectives wouldn't eventually form, which are the basis for warfare and discrimination. Further, the pod people were quite bigoted against actual human beings. They pointed and screamed at them in hopes of the rest of the collective "getting them" (Twitter provides a valuable lesson in this sort of behavior; it never ends well).


A good point about the pod peoples bigotry. One of the oldest concepts of the human race is - Us vs. Them.

Quite literally the only thing the pods have in their favor is that they have an absolute sense of "us"... And since they will be the only ones left when their invasion succeeds, there will be no "them". They may be a lot like The Thing, in that way - virtually a hive society.

An interesting SF movie reflection on a "successful" hive society is Quatermass and the Pit (1967) in which the hive society of Mars maintained its purity by periodically culling "mutants". It's easy to imagine that the pod society might engage in such controlled internal violence as their only form of internal "discrimination".


The MAGA movement is as much collectivism as the WOKE movement. Every time you pick a side in politics (which you just did in your one-sided comment) you are not individually thinking anymore. Free spirits don't pick sides, they do their own thing. They don't feel the need to belong to a certain group, and they don't care about what other people do.

If you vote, you are an assimilated Borg.


Quentin Tarantino said he wanted to remake this movie but set it in Jim Crow Mississippi. The concept would be the humans are the baddies as KKK members suddenly befriend black people over their Klan friends. Sounds good to me!


"There's no need for hate now. Or love."

The world they propose sounds a lot better than what we have right now. Sign me up!
