They used to show this on TV all the time. I wonder why they don't so much anymore.
shareThey used to show this on TV all the time. I wonder why they don't so much anymore.
shareProbably the sex dolls in the cupboard, in these PC times.
shareWho'd ever have thunk the liberals, the alleged bringers of the sexual revolution, would end up being bigger prudes than the Puritans?
shareIt could also be the whole "the dwarf" element, can be an offensive term.
shareIt's so amazing how people can't watch an old movie and understand it within the context of the era it was made. Do they not realize in twenty years, the things they think are acceptable are going to be considered "offensive" by the next generation? So what? Show the damn movie and tell the kids who don't like it to shut up!
shareI know right, like the movie "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" takes the piss out of blind and deaf people in a big way yet I love that film for many reasons as well as the main gags, but even as a kid in the '80s I knew the right way to respect people with disabilities. Unfortunately a lot of people are easily influenced in their behaviour by what they see in film, TV and social media and broadcasters and producers must operate on the careful side as the social backlash against big companies can be so quick and severe these days.
shareThey show it on Movies TV.