Osbourne, you really are the most pretentious person I've ever came across on imdb.
I take it you don’t read your own posts.
You have your head so far up your own arse it's unbelievable! why can't you write like a normal person? instead of someone who has just swallowed a thesaurus.
I get this sometimes, always from people who feel they have reason to be displeased with me. I write and speak exactly how I think. I don’t think I’m remarkably intelligent, but I believe in precision in communication, so I use the words that express exactly what I mean. I used to try to sound like everyone else and I stopped because it wasn’t who I was. If I were to make an effort to “dumb down” the way I write, it would be truly condescending. Instead, I assume everyone can understand what I’m saying and if they indicate that they don’t, I’m happy to clarify myself.
You're intelligent, I get it, but not having your range of vocabulary doesn't make me a dumb person or anyone else for that matter.
I never suggested it did. Your vocabulary has nothing to do with you being a dumb person.
It just means you go out of your way to prove your smart and you obviously want others to know it, because NOBODY writes the kind of replies you do.
That’s not true. I’d have to go out of my way to write like what you think of as a “normal person” (whatever the hell that is). What others make of that is something I just can’t want to care about.
You've proven how pretentious you are with your "I like smart girls" comments.
I already explained that; I thought you were a dumb girl when I made that statement. Are you deliberately ignoring what I write or does it honestly not register with you?
That last reply was just f/cking embarrassing to read, did you snort five times and pat yourself on the back when you wrote it? seriously, stop caring what I think and get your head out of your arse you snob.
I’ve explained the way I write as much as I ever will. Stop repeating yourself like a mentally ill bag lady.
End of the day, I've never attacked anyone personally, I had a go at them for criticising a movie, that's not a personal attack.
Oh, I disagree. You said in your original post that they didn’t understand historic art, had no imagination and were lost in a world of Facebook, cellphones and video gaming. You as much as called me a liar when I said Dawn of the Dead ’78 was my favorite movie and when I gave you examples of clumsy writing and direction per your request, you dismissed them as “pathetic and nit-picky” and instead of proving my examples wrong, you chose to bring up some fictitious exchange on another board to discredit me. I was being quite civil up until then.
You've gone out of your way to insult my intelligence, with comments like "reading's hard I know" or something on the lines of that.
You stated that you could only read half my post. It wasn’t a printed page long, so reading
must be hard for you.
I would never attack someone as personally as you have done,
Not true, you just don’t think of your personal attacks as personal attacks.
but then again I'm not a pretentious snob who thinks he is better than everyone else.
You’d better not!
Insulting people by calling them dumb is a viciously shallow thing to do, I would never do it to others.
Stop trying to pretend that my exchange with you is somehow typical of my online exchanges, it’s a weak play for sympathy. I called
you stupid because you acted stupid, I don't go around ambushing random people and I never insult anyone without provocation.
You've proven how much of a snob you are, I've obviously affected you because you've become very personal and quite vicious to be frank.
You made up a cute story about how I was a fatso with a ghastly wife and no life; I made up a cute story about how you’re a stupid, shallow, unlovable twerp. You just don’t enjoy dancing to the tune you chose to play, you contemptible crybaby.
I happen to read on a daily basis (sorry it's Stephen king and dean koontz, probably not up to your reading level) I have a college education and have built a fine career for myself. I'm clearly not as smart as you, but if I were to go on the way you do then thank god.
do go on the way I do, you just do it very poorly.
Stop judging others by how intelligent they are, (especially with your, I like smart girls drivel) and realise there are interesting people from all walks of life.
Jesus Christ, IS THAT NOT WHAT I WROTE IN MY ORIGINAL POST?! Excepting that you judge intelligence by what people think of a goddamned
zombie movie.
I could almost feel sorry for you. I can’t even say you’re a hypocrite, because I honestly don’t believe you have the capacity to understand that when you say someone can’t appreciate art, has no imagination and is lost in some world or another, you’re doing exactly what you accuse me of, being a snob and calling people stupid, which is what I spoke out against in the first place.
During this entire exchange, you’ve done everything to avoid discussing this movie, or your original statement. You accused me of being a dork, of being gay, of being pretentious, of being arrogant, and of being vicious. Me, me, me. If this went places you don’t like, it’s because you steered it there. Take responsibility for your words, you cowardly codpiece. I’m only half of this exchange. The better half, to be sure, but still only half.
Put your money where your stumps are.