Lou Ferrigno or CGI blob?

As far as those 2003 and 2008 movies are concerned, I just couldn't respect either one. This classic tv series will always be superior IMO. I will take Lou Ferrigno over any CGI blob any day.. Does anyone agree? Any fans of the series out there that hate the recent movies?

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'




To me, the TV Hulk was a totally different universe from the comics. It would have to be a CGI effect to make him like the comics.

But as good as the CGI is, you're still looking at a cartoon as the star of the movie. I prefer the TV version because The Hulk is played by a human being.

Having said that, I liked The Hulk in the Avengers movies.


CGI. it's been around longer than I have so I'm used to it.


Can't stand CGI cartoon hulk.I'd take Ferrigno over that any time.

You don't know what death is_ Sam Loomis Halloween 2


I agree which is why I can't wait the movies. I grew up watching the Bill Bixby version of Banner and Lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. I want to see a human play the Hulk in any future Hulk films.


I'm glad I'm not alone in my opinion. Both of those CGI reboots of the show were unwatchable to me. The Hulk just looked so damn silly and fake. I don't know how people can get into this crap. Maybe they never saw the original tv show.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


CGI baby, CGI.

I'm glad I'm not alone in my opinion.
Yes, being wrong is more comfortable when other people are wrong with you.
Both of those CGI reboots of the show were unwatchable to me
That's nice. Not sure why you think it means anything other than you have personal issues.
I don't know how people can get into this crap.
Because they aren't close-minded morons stuck in the past?
Maybe they never saw the original tv show.

Watched it first run, dip wad.

WORDS MEAN THINGS! Also, before you come to bitch about a plot hole, rewatch the show/movie.


Stay classy.


She's a *beep* retard.


Lou Ferrigno was corny, but the CGI hulks were/are corny and unbelievably-fake-looking.

So a human Hulk beats a CGI hulk every time.

And they easily could have had cast a gritty human Hulk that is nothing like Ferrigno's corny depiction. In other words, Ferrigno's Hulk being corny isn't because using a human actor is a problem; rather the problem is simply that Ferrigno was told to play the Hulk in a corny way, and the filmmakers shot/lit/edited him/made him up etc. in a corny way.

But that need not be the case with future, human Hulks.


Well the tv show was from the 70's-80's. Everything looked a bit corny by todays standards. I would still take Ferrigno over any CGI crap anytime.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Yeah, true...but when the CGI blob Hulk movies came out, many defenders of CGI blob Hulks on those boards made arguments like: "No one would take a wrestler or bodybuilder made up with green make-up seriously today, that would be way too corny!"

...Yet they inexplicably can take seriously an ultra-fake-looking CGI cartoon blob Hulk (?!?!!!!!!)!!!

So I had that argument in mind when I made my previous post in this thread.


<raising hand> I haven't seen any of the movies and will always be loyal to the tv show. I watched it growing up and love that it's streaming on Netflix now.

Admittedly, I'm a bit biased toward my generation - 70's kids had the best tv shows ever!

- Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)


Absolutely, we had the best tv shows; "Incredible Hulk," "Kung Fu" & "Charlie's Angels" to name a few. And if you haven't seen the Hulk movies, believe me, you aren't missing a thing.

#hands up don't loot


I introduced my kiddies to "Wonder Woman" several months ago and they absolutely love it. We even have an "official date" on the calendar we titled "Way Back Wednesdays" in which we watch tv shows from my generation. ;-)

Thanks for confirming that for me. I figured as much. I made the awful mistake of watching that nonsense they put out about "Casper" and I'm still ticked at whoever signed off on that. Why mess up our beloved shows? It's not our fault they can't come up with some new ideas.

- Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)


I saw the Ang Lee directed Hulk from 2003, but that was an ambitious misfire; a most familiar closing line at the end was the best thing about it.

Lou Ferrigno is the choice of course!


The t.v series is based off the original hulk who wasn't yet the guy u see in the avengers movie or the 2008 movie .The original hulk was just a large green man around 7ft david banner is only 5'10 .I've said this before i ll say it again CGI isn't real that's what makes the tv shows entertaing IMO because you see a real hulking looking guy brought to life he's a real person .Not a computer animation made to look real which is all CGI is its a realistic looking cartoon .Its the same with the new MOS and the chris reeves movie you see chris reeves flying through the air its him not a cartoon of him its the true to life guy flying through the air its more realistic .

character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.


Well, like most Hulk TV series fans, I didn't like the 2003 Ang Lee/Eric Bana Hulk debacle, except for Jennifer Connelly.

I thought the 2008 Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton was MUCH better...and they even had a couple direct tributes to the series, with the "Lonely Man" theme playing in a couple scenes, and Norton as Banner watching Bill Bixby in "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" on TV.


Bring on the cgi blob!


No way a person as the hulk is 100 times more better then cgi just like how the ninja turtles look much better in the suits then they do in cgi.


A huge bodybuilder/actor more plausible.


I don't hate the Hulk or Avengers movies, but Lou Ferrigno rules!

Plus, can Eric Bana's, Edward Norton's, and Mark Ruffalo's CGI Hulks find their way on foot to 1008 Park Avenue or land a jumbo jet?

I rest my case.

ShadowsouL, Self-Appointed Honorary Moof Milker



So there remains much support for a more human type hulk. I would be interested to know if some of the younger people have this opinion. I could see haftbor bjornnson taking the part. He's in his mid 20s, 6'9" tall and weighs 400Ib. He is the worlds strongest man and has acted on game of thrones. What more is there to say? You could use minimal CGI, but lifting people and cars is effortless to him.

I've seen each hulk film since the 2003 feature. I've shrugged my shoulders at all of them.


They could certainly use a tall, very muscular bodybuilder and just use CGI to fudge perspective.

It would be far more believable than the current all-CGI Hulks.

ShadowsouL, Self-Appointed Honorary Moof Milker



They could certainly use a tall, very muscular bodybuilder and just use CGI to fudge perspective.

If you are thinking what I think that you are thinking... I was thinking much of the same thing... (Sorry About Saying "Think" A Lot... LOL!)

- Film a movie on Location, for a Back Plate, and then...

- Take an actor like "Lou Ferrigno", and film him against a Blue Screen...

- Then in the computer, take the "Lou Ferrigno" footage, and add it to the Location footage, but, making sure to make it look like "Lou Ferrigno" is the size of a Nine Foot (Or More) Tall Man.

- Use CGI to finish the mix, for any interactions between "Lou", and On Location shots.

This way you get the best of both worlds...

I hated the 2003 Ang Lee film! Nothing about that movie was good. I've seen it a few times, and I still don't understand the plot of the movie. The Hulk was too big, and the oversaturated green color that was used looked awful. But the worst part was when they had the Hulk, Leaping over several miles of terrain. Give Me A Break! That was just too much.

The 2008 Film, which is part of "The Avengers" Marvel Cinematic Universe of films, is MUCH better. They did try to make it more like the TV Show. And the size, color, and abilities of the Hulk was much more "realistic".

As for any version of the Hulk talking, I just don't know if I like that or not.

Unless a movie is made using the Blue Screen method, I don't think any HULK is ever going to please "the masses". The Hulk in the TV show, while very good, was really nothing like he was in the Comic Books, and these "CGI" Hulks don't look real at all.

What made "The Incredible Hulk" tv show so great, was that the writers focused on the "Man On The Run" scenario, and the stories of the people Banner meets. Great Action Sequences and Special Effects, as seen in Superhero Movies being made today, were either not possible, or they just didn't have the money in the budget to even try. So the Hulk was toned down, and was only in each episode for maybe about 10 to 15 minutes. The first Hulkout was when Banner got involved with the local "crimes", and the second Hulkout was to stop the "crimes". As I said, most of the episodes in the show was about Banner trying to find a cure, avoid McGee, and helping the people he met along the way. Thank goodness, they found a great actor like Bill Bixby, to play Banner. Otherwise, I don't think the show would have worked as well as it did. This show still holds up after all these years because of the focus on the "Man On The Run", and dealing with everyday life's problems.

I think, stories about Banner and The Hulk, are better told in Episodic format, like on TV, than featuring them in movies.

While, the 2008 Film... worked, I think that was just because of pure luck and a good script.

Banner and The Hulk only do well in "The Avenger" films, because it doesn't focus entirely on them. There are many other characters that are featured. Banner is usually shown helping the rest of the team from a lab, and the CGI Hulk is out there with the rest of the team smashing up the enemy... But I just can't see any more Two Hour movies, featuring just Banner and The Hulk.

"Put A Little Love In Your Heart, and then Make Your Own Kind Of Music, on the road to Shambala!"
