I've been trying to imagine David Banner/The Hulk dealing with a post-9/11 world, presuming Banner had managed to press on for all those years without discovering a cure or coming to some other ending.
I don't remember any episodes of the original series that touched on terrorism or acts of mass violence, which were probably less in the public consciousness in those years. Of course, you'd be bound to offend someone, whether David were to deal Jihadists, Islamophobes, or both. For instance, David works at a concert hall and gets involved with a medieval music ensemble that performs Andalusian/Islamic classical music. The group is targeted by Islamophobic extremists, leaving David to try to make the case for non-violent conflict resolution even as his alter ego must emerge and smash things up. There's some violence during a pre-show standoff with protesters/picketers, leading to the first hulk-out. The artists and promoters are determined to carry on with the show, but some of the extremists are plotting to carry out a shooting during the concert. In the process of trying to defuse the situation/foil the plot, the second Hulk-out occurs.
Meanwhile, much to his consternation Jack McGee has been assigned as a concert reviewer during a shakeup at the National Register, which has changed ownership a few times over and is now an online publication trying to broaden its audience. Results of McGee's assignment are predictable. In a subplot, David meets a Muslim youth and helps prevent him from becoming radicalized. At some point, David has a speech about how people should not solve their problems with violence, which only begets further violence; when someone challenges him with atrocities committed by Islamic Jihadists, he says something like "Aren't we better than that?" The kid tries to espouse propaganda that the musicians are contaminating the culture and music by Westernizing it, prompting dialogue about the virtues of sharing of ideas between cultures and people from differing backgrounds learning to appreciate each other.
Controversial, yeah, but I bet viewership would go through the roof!