
How would you feel about a CGI remake of Wizards?





if it ain't broke don't fix it.....or do you mean that because CGI is so WICKED AWESOME that remaking Wizards (an allready REGULAR-AWESOME animated feature)will obviously turn it into a WICKED AWESOME remake.

have you ever SEEN wizards? do you really think that cgi is appropriate? what about the still imagery? the rotoscoped mutants? the SWEET nazi propganda films?


I have a button on my backpack which summarizes my feelings about most movies: *beep* computer graphics. Bring back the old cartoons."


I think he was just asking a rhetorical question. I don't believe he intended to run over your dog and shoot your sister.

I don't think the culture would support a remake. In this PC world, we hardly even mention Nazis anymore.

It would be interesting to see a take on this with Muslim extremists instead. But again, political correctness would not allow that to see the light of day.

Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Wizards with strong female characters, but it does pretty well the way it is.


In theory, numerous monkeys with keyboards can produce Shakespeare. IMDB members prove this false.


Why does everything nowadays have to be CGI? More expensive does not equal better. What the hell's wrong with traditional animation? I still think it looks great, and has some effects that cannot be reproduced in CGI.



I think they shoulod make the sqeaul that Bahkshi talked about years ago in an interview about avtar going insane and elenor falling in love with wehawk. I would see how that story would carry on


Give a warning when using spoilers chicomdk. They are making a sequel to this movie. It is in comic book form rather than a movie but I still wanna save something for the comic.


My personal opinion is catagorically no NO no and did i mention no. I think that the movie is fine the way it is and requires no CGI, and of course my mortal fear is that if someone redid it in CGI they would change the story. I think someone mentioned updating it to be muslim, but for me that would ruin the point and the charm.

Wow it has been an awfullly long time since I saw that movie, not even available on DVD in my backwater country :(!

Yeah anyway I think it's great just like it is.


remake if any: live action, with all the bells and whistles of peter jackson


that would be intersting buuuuuuut i just dont know this movie has always pretty much only had a cult following at best i think it is best to just leave it but i stand by idea of a sequel


I wouldnt mind an updated cultural remake so that we use things closer to home. But I wouldnt watch it unless it had the same style animation. I think cgi can have feeling but this just would not work without the quaintness of the art style.


it's funny people talking about a cultural update remake. who would be the bad guys? americans should be the mutants, the generals from hell. gerorge w. bush would make a great blackwolf.
not muslims.
not central americans.
not asians.

americans from the red states...


I think that it would be sick if someone were to make a remake of the movie. But for more a mature audience, and when I say "mature," I don't mean nudity and crap. I mean like more violence and gore and maybe making it more dark and making the characters look cooler. Don't get me wrong, the gas mask guys were cool, but wouldn't it be cooler if they had a more dark animation to them instead of a cartoony look. Also, the battles could be more epic, such as making it like the battle seen for "The Animatrix: Second Renaissance," which was the coolest animated battle seen I've ever encountered. Also, maybe change the storyline to have Necron 99 not turn into a hippie who sounds like a horny priest in the presence of a little boy.


more anti american trash but you do make a point

there's all these "Forces" of fear going on... America is as much to blame as anyone else but EVERYONE is to blame. So who does that leave? The simple people living day to day trying to work under the pressure of imposing levels of fear being pressed from every corner? Some *beep* from the UK will claim everything from the hundred year war to the African liberation wars are america's fault. But they're hands are no cleaner.

The thing now is that everyone who we could originally count on is now an enemy EVERYTHING

Christians are being pushed further and further into a warrior religion. Islam is now considering everything that isnt Islam to be a threat to Islam. Every country in the world claims to be better than every other one when they all have their hands firmly planted on their daggers waiting for the right moment to screw the other one over. It in itself is the ending of the Aeon of horus right here (if I am allowed to throw Thelemic references in my rant).


How can Christianity be a warrior religion? It's based on love. I think you mean warriors are being forced to warp Christianity to suit their bellicose ways. Christ did not preach praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, he suggested we turn the other cheek.

Yeah, I know. Religion has nothing to do with worship it's all about politics. I just wish people were able to quote their sources. There are miles upon miles of academic and theological study for the Jewish and Muslim faiths to justify their current political stances (and I'm not talking about terrorism, either faith-based or state-sanctioned)(work it out) but for the most part there is no universally accepted interpretation of Christianity to justify what goes on in its name.

There are two major pacifist religions - Buddhism and Christianity (and in both cases it isn't universal and adherence is considered eccentric. I'm sure Jesus would consider his sacrifice on the cross well worth the trouble. Buddha would probably be pissed too but he'd just say something mystic and look into the distance. Cool.) I guarantee that if you reduced the world to only pacifist Buddhists and Christians within a year you would still have a war on your hands.

I just wish they didn't pretend they're machoing up in the name of religion.


It's based on love, but must "Christians" only uses it to advance their agendas. The same apply to all other religion and political believes. It's not the believe that's wrong but the people cliaming to be that.

As for the movie in question, I watched it on TV some times years ago and I like it. Can't remember much though, not even the title! :P A very interesting blend of thematics (magic and sci-fi). Though that's not overly unique anymore (i.e. Thundercats). Also very "risque" with the Nazi propaganda and the fairy queen. But as I am older now, I like my animated films to be as "mature" as I am.

As for the remake thing, I don't know what to say. Part of me welcomes the idea and part of me rejects it. Many films are made to be "stand alone", no matter how cooler may look on a new form. It's not just the animation but also the story and the "magic" (too keep with the thematic of this thread!) that makes it good. Its better to leave it the way it is. I have NOTHING against CGI, BTW. Though i am a die-hard lover of traditional animation. I would hate to see it die in favor of CGI, specially if its going to look life-like, as in Final Fantasy: Spirits Within - which is good but I prefere the old fashioned 'toons.

Sorry for intruding into the IMDB community like that without introduction but I wanted to leave my opinion on the subject, as I have been seeing a lot of this on the real world lately and I had the urge to voice my mind. I was also joyful to find out how the movie was called! ^_^


that's the point though... they are and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. All you have left to do is remember who you are and don't change for them. Defy


"It's funny people talking about a cultural update remake. who would be the bad guys? americans should be the mutants, the generals from hell. gerorge w. bush would make a great blackwolf.
not muslims.
not central americans.
not asians.

americans from the red states..."

Right on, brother.


Why? Wizards is a perfectly good movie on it's own, and has an animation style any cheesy modern day CGI could reproduce.
Oh my god! You killed Fritz! You yellow stinking fairies killed Fritz!


Personally, I think any CGI remake of wizards will destroy the greatness of the original.

That's almost as stupid as Disney's sequels to their classic films that came out 50 years ago.


How on earth did you people get from remaking Wizards to George Bush is the antichrist? There's a leap of faith that I can't even see across.


I don't think I'd care for it. Wizards was perfect as is. Simple animation and sounds. I doubt they'd do a remake. Listening to the commentary on the DVD, it sounds like Ralph Bakshi would not support an extravagant remake. He seems to like simplicity when it comes to sound and the like. I think the less is more approach really worked with Wizards.

I did hear something interesting on the commentary though. I think I heard him correctly when he said, "When I do Wizards 2, I'll..." Then he went on to talk about Weehawk's character design and voice. Will there be a Wizards 2? I have no idea. I'd be curious to see what he does with it. I guess it all depends on if everything goes as planned. Then again, I'm not sure when the commentary was recorded. It could have already been canceled at this point.


Well, I know ol' Ralphs making a sequel in a novel form. If he were to make a remake I'd suggest hand-drawn and roto-scoping like the original, it'll give it the same feeling, the classic drawn animation is what Ralphs known for, and its rare you find any US animated films these days that are not CGI. Atleast in Europe and other places if they use computers its still looks drawn. I'm kind of getting annoyed by the fact that nearly every US animated movie is CGI and has similar to the same humor, atleast in Cars the VW Bus has a bumper sticker that says something about 3d animation, plus some of the humor I saw in the trailers funny but you gotta know a lot about cars like me. I guess you could say in the US traditional animation is becoming extinct on the big screens but if there was another Wizards with the same animation as the original it will be a breakthrough.
