Does anyone feel this is the best Star Wars film by far?
Honestly, I don't think any of the others come close. This is the best one and it's far, far away from the others.
shareHonestly, I don't think any of the others come close. This is the best one and it's far, far away from the others.
shareMy Rankings: -
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Rise of Skywalker
The Last Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Mine is almost the same except I would put Jedi ahead of Empire.
shareRogue One was surprisingly better than expected. That’s a good list.
If one were to give the films a 1-100 score, 100 being best, Star Wars would be in the high 90s. Empire around 90. Jedi in the low 80s. Rogue One high 70s.
The rest would be in the 20s and lower. Simply ranking them in order doesn’t do justice to how much better Star Wars was.
Of course. Empire was pretty good too. The entire saga could’ve ended with Luke flying off to see Yoda. Yoda was cool but Luke’s presence was becoming way too big. After that it’s been a train wreck.
shareI really like the first trilogy, but I feel that Empire and Jedi just don't come close to the original film.
shareI like Empire better , anything is better than those POS Disney films
shareWell, it was the movie that started it all, started the modern Hollywood revolution for blockbuster movies and had THE biggest influence on so many movie and TV franchises to come. It should be acknowledged for that fact alone, regardless of the (very high) quality of the movie itself.
Jaws predates Star Wars buddy.
shareJaws was perhaps just a warm-up, is vastly overrated, and I never liked it.
I never liked Star Wars I get sick of people acting like it has no flaws. Just because you dislike something does not mean it is overrated. Jaws started that not Star Wars.
shareI posted my previous comment because of an article I saw in SFX Magazine many years ago, as to how Star Wars single-handedly revitalised the movie industry in preference of blockbusters and was the influence for MANY similar movies and so forth. Let me elaborate what I remember those spin-offs were:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (amazing special effects)
Battlestar Galactica
Moonraker (James Bond in space)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (started that franchise that lasted for 10+ movies!)
Star Wars OT sequels, then the PT
Indiana Jones (due to the collaboration of Lucas and Spielberg, the two giants of the movie industry)
Superman (and its sequels)
A whole host of 1980s science fiction movies
A renewed interest in Star Trek thanks to the movies, resulting in TNG, DS9 and the other 1990s shows
Babylon 5 (with at-the-time amazing CGI effects, a TV first)
This is just off the top of my head, MF505.
Saying Jaws started the whole blockbuster movie franchise craze is like saying Wolfenstein 3D kickstarted the whole FPS genre, which just isn't true. Jaws and Wolf 3D were just warm-ups to the REAL progenitors of their respective genres, Star Wars and Doom.
Jaws started the summer blockbuster cycle of business, and I would argue that Brody's "Fire, you Son-of-a-Bitch!" moment when he blows up the shark is a direct progenitor of Luke's blowing up of the Death Star at the end of Star Wars.
shareI'm not saying that Lucas is solely responsible for the modern blockbuster, I'd say that it needed Spielberg as well, as he directed Jaws, and he himself was a visionary, with hits like Duel, and Lucas likewise with American Graffiti.
I think that American culture just got a much-needed societal pick-me-up after the depressing 1970s and the disaster that was Vietnam, and Spielberg and Lucas provided it.
It's a shame that the prequels and the new sequels don't do the original trilogy, especially A New Hope, justice.
shareOf course it is!!!
shareNot even close. The best Star Wars film by a mile is ' The Force Awakens '. Glorious to look at, a rollicking action film that never lets up and a good looking charismatic cast. Bliss.
How can this be the best? You actually think the light saber duel between Vadar and Obi Wan is good compared to the other films? This film had by far the worst effects and also the least racial cast of any Star Wars movie
shareWhat if someone thought Star Wars 77 had a better self-contained story, better pacing, self-contained story? Not saying I agree, I'm just pointing out light saber duels and affirmative action aren't all there is to film-making and might sway one's preferences.
shareThe movie takes place in space. Who cares what the racial demographics are? And this was the first film in the franchise, so it makes sense that this would have the worst effects. This film has the story I cared about the most.
shareThis is what Fundamentalist OT Star Wars fans always do. Whatever the criticism is they just trot out the same lame excuse to dismiss it. " That doesn't matter because it's the STAR WARS OT !!! " The film looks like crap and no amount of excuses will alter that simple fact.