Of course the Death Star MUST have hyperspace speed capabilities. In an empire spanning thousands of light years, a superweapon capable of crushing all rebellions would be useless and pathetic if it couldn't reach rebel strongholds for thousands of years after it was needed!
"Oh No!"
"What is it?"
"It's the Death Star!"
"What's that?"
"The planet destroying super battle station of the First Galactic Empire."
"What? The First Galactic Empire was thousands and thousands of years ago, before even the Second Galactic Empire. Why would their forces attack us after all those millennia?"
"Did you sleep during ancient history class? Our planet was the first to revolt against the First Galactic Empire. And now the Death Star has finally reached us after millennia of travel to destroy our world!"
So the Death Star must travel by hyperspace. And it takes less than a day to go from the Alderaan System to the Yavin system:
"This day has seen the end of Kenobie and it will see the end of the rebellion."
Apparently the Death Star didn't have much ability to choose here in the Yavin system it came out of hyperspace. And maybe it couldn't make a small jump to get in range of Yavin IV but traveled in normal space to go around Yavin and blast the rebel moon.
KingCobra686 said:
Well there's the chance that they didnt know exactly where on Yavin 4 the rebel base was. They might have just used to the hyperdrive to get into the system and then figure out the exact location after that.
You seem to think that Yavin 4 was the name of the entire star system. I believe that is uncertain.
1) Yavin was the name of the star and Yavin IV was the designation of the gas giant planet and Yavin IV something would have been the designation of the moon of Yavin.
Astronomers usually name extra solar planets by the designation of the star followed by lower case Latin letter starting with b, c, d, etc. in the order of discovery. So the suspected planets of Alpha Centauri B are Alpha Centauri Bb and Alpha Centauri Bc.
According to the astronomical system used for planets of other stars, the planets in our solar system might be lettered in order of distance from the sun since the ones out to Saturn were known since ancient times and the others were discovered in order of distance from the sun. Thus it would be Mercury Sol b, Venus Sol c, Earth Sol d, Mars Sol e, Jupiter Sol f, Saturn Sol g, Uranus Sol h, and Neptune Sol i.
Astronomers designate the moons of planets in our solar both by proper names and by the name of the planet followed by a Roman numeral in order of the moon's discovery. So Amalthea is also Jupiter V.
Thus the fourth discovered moon of the planet Yavin could be known as Yavin IV according to this system.
In science fiction extra solar planets orbiting other stars are usually known by proper names given by humans and/or natives and also by the science fiction planet numbering system. In the science fiction numbering system planets are known by the human or alien name or other designation of the star followed by a Roman numeral in order of the distance from the star. Thus in science fiction stories in our solar system Mercury is Sol I, Venus Sol II, Earth Sol III, Mars Sol IV, Jupiter Sol V, Saturn Sol VI, Uranus Sol VII, Neptune Sol VIII, and Pluto used to be called Sol IX.
So according to the science fiction system the name of the star would be Yavin, the gas giant planet would be Yavin IV, and the moon of Yavin would have a proper name and an designation of Yavin IV something - but neither were given; it as just called the moon of Yavin.
2) The name of the star is unknown, the planet is named Yavin, and the moon is designated as Yavin IV.
According the system used by Earth astronomers to designate the moons of planets in our solar system, the fourth discovered moon of Yavin would be Yavin IV.
3) Most stars are only designated by their numbers in star catalogs. Some stars are only listed in one star catalog, others are listed in many catalogs and thus have many designations, and and the vast majority of stars have never been cataloged.
So most star designations consist of either the full name of the catalog or else some abbreviation of the catalog followed by the catalog number for that star.
Thus a list of the nearest stars to Earth includes star catalog designations like: Luhman 16, WISE 1049-5319, Wolf 359, Lalande 21185, Luyten 276-8, Ross 154, Ross 248, Lacaille 9352, Ross 128, Struve 2398, Groombridge 34, Kruger 60, etc. etc.
So maybe the
Star Wars galaxy has a Yavin star catalog and the star is listed as Yavin IV and the designations or names of the planet and the moon are unknown.
Wookipedia says:
Yavin 4 was the jungle-covered fourth moon in orbit around the red gas giant Yavin. At some point during the Galactic Civil War, it hosted the headquarters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a group of resistance fighters that opposed the dominant Galactic Empire.[2] Following a major battle that took place around Yavin,[4] the Alliance relocated its headquarters to Hoth.[7]