When this film (and firstly, the book it was based on) came out most of North America (so, the US & Canada) was still dealing with the tail end of the sexual revolution .. the full swing of the revolution had already peaked in the late 60s. I don't know where you figure only the rich and attractive were enjoying it; revolutions don't impose limits with such parameters. Revolutions aren't usually that picky!
So, to answer this thread's question, and refute the above suggestion: "It didn't mean that the average Joe or Jane was getting laid easily." ... speaking solely from the average Jane's POV, it was supremely easy to get laid, any day of the week, in any watering hole. And yes, lots of drugs were prevalent, available in any city, big or small, just depended what you were looking for. I suspect that hasn't really changed.
For those who say they settled down and changed their wild ways for various reasons (this movie, deaths, etc..), that's what worked for them. I knew many (and still do) who maybe shifted gears only a bit. Some settled down since you can party for only so long before the body wears out, some moved on, got bored of the scene, life changed. And for some the party never ended, they just took breaks, or modified their party scenes. But it was definitely a defining era that shaped many mindsets.
I read the book & saw the movie when it came out (I was around 18-19). I wasn't aware then that it was based on a real incident. But I echo some of the other comments that the mental anguish that was going for the real young woman who inspired the story seemed to not really be captured by the movie (nor the book from what I recall...but it's been many, many, many years!!lol) Still, I remember thinking at the time of it as bleak morality tale, and I think that still holds. In fact, maybe it could be seen in hindsight as a metaphor for the clampdown on the sexual revolution due to the coming tide of 'new STDs' (herpes, hpv, AIDS) although even that wasn't in full swing really 'til the mid-late 80s.
One thing for certain, the sexual freedom both men & women experienced, and often enjoyed, from that time can't be replicated or known by anyone who has since grown up in the post-AIDS years where everyone is afraid of sex. I'm not advocating going back to a time of such incredible irresponsibity. Our society has gone through a serious wake-up call which sadly isn't resolved yet in some parts of the world. But it is somewhat sad that it may be many generations if ever when some of the freedoms we enjoyed as sexual beings back in the free-wheelin' 70s could ever be re-experienced. And that is very evident when watching how we interracted in roles in the movies from those decades (mid-late 60s to the early 80s). Many of those parts and storylines could never be remade today because we all now think so differently. Sorry for the long ramble, but to make a long answer even longer, yes, life was like that in the movie. Maybe bleaker for some, but I have really great memories from that time.