I can't even begin to tell you how many problems I have with this film..
First of all , I usually love Neil Simon's work , but I think he didn't quite hit the mark with this one. I found his portrayal of the dance community to be way off the mark.
The first thing that struck me when watching this film was , what an irresponsible mother Marsha Mason's character was. She shouldn't have had the daughter if she wanted to continue dancing. Having children in the dance world is a major no-no. It really destroys the figure.
The second thing that struck me was how could she dare be living with a man , out-of-wedlock , and exposing her daughter to that kind of lifestyle?
This is not the cheery , cute film that it pretends to be , or that one might think it to be.
How could she allow herself to financially depend on a man that is not committed to her? She has a child!
The man was married! She should've known , they never leave their wives.
And I found it very startling , even though the scene was played innocently , that she allowed Drefuss' character to rub on her child and then fall asleep in the bed with her. Maybe I feel more strongly about this because times have changed , but I still think that was wrong of her to allow that.
Now , back to Neil Simon's portrayal of the dancing world.
First of all , Marsha Mason's character was only 33 , yet Simon hat her hobbling from scene to scene like she was 100! Thirty-three years old is not old in the dance community! I know this for a fact. There are dancers 50 and upwards still dancing in Broadway shows , still doing the difficult choreography and routines.There are even principal dancers in ballet companies in their 50's! So , I think Marsha Mason's character in this film was just lazy.
That's my 2 cents.
Amicus verus est rara avis.