Delete your post, CE3K Style ...
I'll start.
This post has been deleted because it was in the middle of the road, jackass!!
I'll start.
This post has been deleted because it was in the middle of the road, jackass!!
What I need is something so scary it'll delete 300 square miles of every, living Christian post.
shareI deleted this post because I'm some joker who thinks he's immune.
shareThese deleted posts were the only ones! The only ones!
shareI don't like to do this. We're in enough trouble with these cattlemen already, but if you can't get these posts off the mountain and out of the area by 2000 hours, start deleting with EZ-4!
shareThis post has been deleted because it isn't even an American.
We're going to need a geodetic survey map of this deleted post. I want this down to the square yard!
shareYou have no right to delete people's posts! You think I investigate every Walter Cronkite story there is? If this is just nerve gas, how come I know everything in such detail? I've never been here before. How come I know so much? What the hell is going on around here?! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE?!!
shareThis deleted post isn't a moonburn, ya know, g**damnit!