Frank or Joe?

Who do you prefer? And why? Mwa haha! I put the 'why' question! I'M EVIL! *Ahem* I'm sorry. It's really late and I'm just crazy on account of lack of sleep.

I prefer Frank, by the way. He's smarter, cuter, and cooler, in both the tv show and the books (In my opinion, anyway).



I admit to having Cassidy fever. I liked David, Shaun, and Patrick but Ryan was my favorite.


I prefer Frank slightly. One, Parker was a pro actor, so he was a little bit better actor in the series..just a little bit. Two, if you really pay attention, in the first two seasons, Parker is the driving force behind the Hardy Boys. He was rarely scared, if there was a mystery, like the girl who looked like the girl his dad couldn't find, Frank would pursue it like a bulldog, and was going to get to the bottom of things, before he was finished. I don't think it's Shaun's fault, but they made his character a little wimpy, the first two seasons.

Remember how he didn't want to go through basement window of the Haunted Mansion?
Remember how scared Joe was in Wipe-Out?
How he didn't want to investigate things, and was kind of scared of the fake FBI guys, in The Creatures who came on Sunday?

There are more, that I can't think of now. Don't get me wrong though, I liked Joe a lot, and almost as much as Frank.

And after all, Frank was the oldest!
