Frank or Joe?

Who do you prefer? And why? Mwa haha! I put the 'why' question! I'M EVIL! *Ahem* I'm sorry. It's really late and I'm just crazy on account of lack of sleep.

I prefer Frank, by the way. He's smarter, cuter, and cooler, in both the tv show and the books (In my opinion, anyway).



According to Joe, Frank was smart, and Joe was cute.

I had a huge crush on Shaun, which has most likely coloured my choice, but I preferred Joe in the books as well, so maybe not.


Joe (Shaun) was such a geek - so my vote goes to Frank. However, since re-living the episodes, Joe got some funny lines and never took himself too seriously.


I prefer Joe :) LOVED Shaun Cassidy.


I prefer Frank, due to biological reasons that are still mysterious to the scientific world.

Ask a fish head anything you want to, they won't answer. They can't talk.


Frank has my vote, too...for this same reason. ;)


I prefer Frank. He seems more responsible and level-headed. And he's the oldest. I always like responsible older brother characters.


Maybe that's it!
I have a older brother named Frank, and had an older brother, though younger than Frank, named Joe. I always liked Joe better, he was Not that Frank was ever especially serious, but between the two of them, Joe was definitely the least responsible.



No question... Joe! He was the one who could tug my heart strings with a look. Plus, he was a guy who treated women with gentility from what I saw. He had the heart of gold. He was very genuine, sweet a little goofy (which is good) and fun. Plus, he cried when his dad was unconsious in the frankenstien episode and that made me cry.


Frankenstein? Do you mean the "Meet Dracula" episode? (He is hurt in Dracula's castle and goes missing, prompting Frank and Joe to travel to Transylvania.) Joe has an emotional "Get well" scene by his bedside.


Definitely Frank (I think - I am not sure on this - but I THINK - Joe was a Girl BUT I DIDN'T SAY IT FIRST...)

Frank, because, yes, he is smarter, cuter, cooler, AND displays Secondary Sexual Characteristics, as in a hairy chest.

AND the Real Parker Stevenson (aka Richard Stevenson Parker, but you all know that) is CUTER IN PERSON than on TV. BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO eyes to die for, and yes he is a bit furry, which is nice.

And of course the Frank Hardy DOLL is adorable too (once he is out of that nasty green and brown striped thing and in, say, a shawl-lapeled White Tux like the dream-date at the door from "Mystery Date" wears).

-[email protected]


Frank! At the time, all of my friends had a crush on Shaun Cassidy and I was the "weirdo" that had a crush on Parker Stevenson (or so my friends said ).

"Oh Mother, Godfrey loves me - he put me in the shower!!" - Irene Bullock


One thing about this poll it is a win-win situation. No matter which Hardy you chose--you win.. I loved Shaun but Parker was kind of stunning looking.


Cleverness in a man is very attractive. So my choice is and always has been Frank. I really dug Parker Stevenson back in the day.

"Evil spelled backwards is live": Mok


Shaun Cassidy. Because OMG, that SMILE!!!!! :D Those eyes. I was only 4, but I was gonna marry him...


Frank was better looking but Joe was my favorite.
Sometimes I would say something cynical or obvious to myself and sure enough, Joe would say something along those lines which always made me laugh. Joe also had more heart and at times more common sense than Frank. Go into the spooky house? Eh, no thanks Frank. Oh you're going anyway? Bloody hell! *follow*
