MovieChat Forums > The Bad News Bears (1976) Discussion > The F Word - First PG MOVIE To Say It

The F Word - First PG MOVIE To Say It

I put this in another thread but to follow up I think this was the first PG movie where they said the F word. A few days later it was said several times in All The President's Men (which I think was almost rated R but they kept the PG rating on it). Any takers to challenge this? The Bad News Bears was the first PG movie where someone said the F word.


I don't know about the F-word. But, the original Bad News Bears had a lot of racial slurs that a lot of parents today would not want in their PG films. They're all such pansies today... and horribly lazy and incompetent parents.

I wonder what the parents of the kid that played Tanner thought about some of the things he was saying. Jesus.


Do you remember when movies were rated GP and then they changed it to PG in 1972? Slightly different definition, but basically the same meaning.

Standards have changed over the years big time. The F word was not thrown around constantly back then like it is now in movies. It doesn't bother me at all, I'm guilty of using it. I raised 2 kids and tried to watch my language around them though.

I wondered the same thing about kids cussing in movies. One day while watching this movie I googled kid actors cussing to see how that works. The parent has to always be on the set with the minor child. And I'm a bit of an old hippie, but I couldn't imagine selling out my kid like that. Letting your kid get paid to say that stuff for the world to see? Tanner's mom must have been a real hippie!!!


The F Word was never used in any dialogue in this movie. I've seen it over 100 times, from the '70s until now. You're hearing what you want to hear in this situation, OP. "All The President's Men", which I still have never seen, I do remember reading was the first PG film with uses of the F word. This was based on an appeal from the filmmakers to the MPAA as the subject matter was educational and vital (the film came out only 2 years after Watergate).

The first PG movie I can remember hearing the F word in was a film called "Inside Moves" from 1980. I was around 12 and John Savage's character, when discussing his suicide attempt by jumping from a building, complains, "I landed on a f@#$n pontiac, for Christ's sake". I remember thinking, "Whoa! Did that F bomb just slip by?".


I'm not hearing what I want to hear - it was said - just listen to it and tell me you don't hear someone say "OH F..." I'm talking about the original Bad News Bears in 1976. It was clearly said multiple times in All The Presidents Men. Also, I never said it was Engelberg who said it. It's not clear who says it but it's said right after the ball is thrown towards his head and right before the "boos" from the fans and you hear "OH F...". Unfortunately I can't find that scene anywhere on youtube but maybe someone else can.


FOUND IT - RIGHT AT THE VERY BEGINNING - I'm not sure who posted this but turn up the volume loud and you'll hear it. Right before the boos and before Engelberg says "Boy that was close to my head" you hear "Oh F..." immediately after the pitch is thrown.

You be the judge - I'm wondering how many of you out there vote Yes you heard it and how many vote no.


Appelli. So are we to understand that the word *beep* is never completed; that it's cut off after the "F" by all the boos? You know that doesn't count right? Just like it's okay on TV commercials to say "Oh, Sh!"


It is not cut off. I'm hearing the entire word (including the K sound at the end of the word). Pitch is thrown and then one second into the video you hear "OH F..." then there's a slight half second pause or so and then you hear the boos.

That's what I'm hearing but to start let me know if you are identifying it at the same place I am and hearing what I hear about one second into the video and before the boos start which (the boos start) about 2 seconds into the video.

EDIT (here's the sequence of events)

1. Pitch is thrown
2. I hear someone say "OH F..."
3. I hear the ball hit the catcher's mitt
4. I hear the boos

Everything is even more clear on the DVD but I can still hear everything just fine in that youtube link.


Actually, Scarface was the first movie to say it. And I'm not talking about the 80's version, but the old one!
