MovieChat Forums > The Bad News Bears (1976) Discussion > The F Word - First PG MOVIE To Say It

The F Word - First PG MOVIE To Say It

I put this in another thread but to follow up I think this was the first PG movie where they said the F word. A few days later it was said several times in All The President's Men (which I think was almost rated R but they kept the PG rating on it). Any takers to challenge this? The Bad News Bears was the first PG movie where someone said the F word.


'All the President's Men' was PG. Correct me if I am wrong, but the F word was never said in 'The Bad News Bears'. If you think it was, please give the circumstances in which it was said and the character you think said it.

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.


Yes - that is what I wrote that All the Presidents Men was PG (but it was controversial and originally the MPAA had an R rating but it eventually got a PG rating - see this link: and look for All the Presidents Men.

The Bad News Bears was the FIRST PG movie I know of that was released where the F word was said (although it was not in the sub-titles). If you listen, right when Joey throws the ball at Ingelberg's head you can clearly hear someone say "Oh Fu**" (then you hear all the boos, "what is this beanball" etc.). It's suttle but if you listen, it's quite clear to hear whether intended or not for the script.


If it's subtle....and not in the script...and not in the sub-titles...did it happen?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


The first PG movie where the "F" word is used beyond the shadow of a doubt.

When Wilfred Brimley's character and his friends first see one of the aliens, said character yells "Oh f--k!" and everyone takes off!


What is the name of the movie because I can't find that anywhere on the IMDB and I looked up Wilfred Brimley's movies and can't find anything like that?



Cocoon, of course!


Cocoon was from 1985. The Bad News Bears was 1976. So I still say The Bad News Bears was the first one to say it.


If IMDB is accurate, "Bad News Bears" beat "All the President's Men" by two days. Whether it was the first, I cannot say.

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In COCOON Wilford Brimley says "Open the *beep* gate!" as he and his pals are fleeing the poolhouse after seeing the alien. This cracked my brother and me up so much we rewound it several times to get it right and still use the line on each other -in Brimley's voice, of course. :)


It was said in the movie MASH in 1970 which was PG. Not sure if it was the first.


MASH was not rated PG in its original release. It was R. When it was re-released in 1973 it was PG but you can bet the F-word was cut.


The "F-word" was never used in this movie.


I don't recall the F word in Bad News Bears.

I believe the first PG film to use the F word was Beetlejuice with Michael Keaton.


I am pretty sure the "F" word was never used in a PG film. It was just not allowed thankfully. They started letting it go in PG-13 movies. I think you could use it once.



Then you are "pretty" wrong! All of the President's Men uses it about 5 times, and it's a PG film.

The term *rat-beeping* is used twice. And Bradley shouts, "Jesus, what kind of a crazy *beep-ing* story is this!" He also says at the end of the movie, "if you guys **** up again, I'm gonna get mad."

And one of the editors tells Woodward and Bernstein, "All right, you guys are both on the story, so don't *beep* it up!"

It's true that I never read responses.


"Nice F______ model."
Michael Keaton in BeetleJuice, rated PG. When he kicks down the tree after Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis leave the model and meeting him.
So yes, it has happened.


I just ran the movie on my dvd player and the first line after Engleburg ducks is "Boy! That was close," followed by the noise of the crowd.

I repeated the scene three times and there is nothing that sounds like the word "f^ck."

I have a high noise reduction function on the player and it has picked up some "hidden" dialog in other movies that were covered by sounds and/or audio suppression by the studio, but not on this one.

Actors making a children's movie would not be that careless to say the word, let alone permit it to survive on a sound track.

To God There Is No Zero. I Still Exist.


I didn't hear the word either and I've seen this movie numerous times.

Joey threw that pitch at Engleburg's head on purpose. That wasn't an accident.

Established 1976


I agree. I've seen the movie dozens of times and I've never heard the f word in that scene. But I also disagree with you on one other point. This was DEFINATELY not a children's movie. Tanner's mouth proves that.


this film did have the n word though


There is no mention of the F word in this movie. I've just finished watching it. It doesn't matter that the ratings were changed. Listen carefully around the 1:23:30 mark. He does not swear.


I've seen this movie countless times and Engleburg did not say the F-word. I guess you and I are in agreement along with everyone else.

I love Bob


I never heard it in this one and there seems to be a few mentioned before Bad news bears. I know sixteen candles(1984) had a nude scene plus the f bomb and was PG ( after an appeal)


I put this somewhere else in the chain but i'll throw it here too.
BeetleJuice - rating PG.
Nice F'ing model! Said by michael keaton right after Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis leave the model and return back to the attic.
Not sure if anyone else said it before this movie at a PG rating, but this one's a fact.

