MovieChat Forums > The Bad News Bears (1976) Discussion > Movie reminds me of the 70s when the pol...

Movie reminds me of the 70s when the police state was not as powerful

man, this movie is like a snapshot into the 1970s. Back then people were more inclined to do what they wanted. Today it is like a police state compared to those days. Less crowded back then. More jobs. You could drive down any busy city street back in those days and see lots of HELP WANTED signs on windows. Nowadays the CorpGovMedia has imported so many cheap labor immigrants that the HELP WANTED sign is a thing of the past.

People were not afraid to drink in their cars back then. TOday there are cops everywhere.

Sexual mores were more relaxed back then. One slip up and you are in prison these days.

Damn, this country has gone to hell.

THe only way this country has improved since those days is in regards to electronics, computers, the internet. That is the only way this nation has improved. Everything else has gotten worse since then. I am completely serious. This is not just an old man talking. This is the truth. OK, maybe clothing is a little cheaper. And food might be a little cheaper. But other than that, everything else is worse.


regarding the comment above where someone said the unemployment rate is the same now as it was in the 70s. Nonsense. The gov't lies. Their stats are bogus.

Also, you could afford to work in a factory and support a family back then. Didn't even have to graduate from high school to do that.

This nation needs to be broken up, with each state going its own way.

...A leftist against mass immigration and multiculturalism.


All one has to do is look in any major city and it is obvious that the unemployment rate is not 6.3%. They are not counting the millions who have disappeared from the unemployment rolls. It's the usual obfuscation from this regime.


In today's America, nine times out of 10, unless you work for the public sector or a union job, you're pretty much screwed if you're working class. Yeah, back in the day you could even support a family on a cooking or janitorial job. It's barely chump change now.

And if you were a sensitive kid back then, you'd better toughen up or have your ass kicked! Kids now don't get much truth about the real world until they're in their 20's!


Oh yes, drinking and driving was so much better...


I feel I should correct a few people about a few things. Christianity isn't solely responsible for this overly sensitive, PC world we live in. Modern feminism - a strong left wing organization and all of their accusations against men is partly responsible. I mean, according to modern psychology which was heavily influenced by the feminist gender studies, almost anything you do to women is abusive. If you criticize a woman for a mistake she made, it's abusive. If you look at a woman funny or give her the silent treatment because you're so angry you can't talk, that's abusive. You can't laugh when a woman is screaming in your ear and stomping and kicking her feet like a little girl who was just told, "No" or else, it's abuse. Feminists want women to get away with anything and never be held accountable for anything, as long as the rules are made by men.

With that, we get a lot of other people, minorities and disabled people asking for similar treatment. You have to bite your tongue. You have to rewire everything in your head. The sensible people realize that certain words are just words. I could be called, "Fat" or "Short." I have been called those names and many more. I didn't let those words get to me. I didn't ruin someone's life because they made me feel bad for 10 seconds. And if a bad word or a criticism ruins you're life, you're the one that needs to seek help.


i miss the 60s and 70s. We had so much more freedom and less crime, at least where I live. We could legally buy alcohol at 18, but that didn't turn us into alcoholics. I'm from a small town, but no kids from my school died the 12 years I was there. Yeah - a 12 grade school that still exists! Now kids are dying all the time. Oh wait, we didn't have texting back then so we watched the road when we drove. And we were taught gun safety by our parents on the farm. We also learned how to drive tractors at an early age.

I am so with you about rewiring our language! Those of us over 50 are having to learn a new vocabulary to communicate now. I think people over 50 should get a pass on being PC. We learned how to talk when we were growing up, and now they expect us to change the way we talk. My mom is 80, and when we go out somewhere I have to remind her what words she shouldn't use. She's a nice lady and doesn't curse, but she doesn't know all the PC terms.

And the PC terms change so much I can't keep up with them! I worked for a health insurance company that handles Medicaid, and in the training we were told it is no longer acceptable to call kids with disabilities "special." We don't want them to think they're special because that makes them different. Well, they are different. I have a niece with severe Downs Syndrome, and a nephew who's deaf (in-laws). I have had to be so careful what I say around their families. I've said the wrong thing before, so I just pretty much don't say anything about the children so I don't offend anyone.

I have a bad knee and call myself a cripple. People call me hopalong and all kinds of stuff, and I don't care. We're just from a different generation I guess.


Wow Luke, you sure have issues. If you act the way in real life the way you do in these forums, then no wonder you have such bad luck with women.


I don't know how old you are. I'm the same age as the kids in this movie so I remember the 70's. things are much better today in all ways. Being able to drink a beer in your car isn't something we should be nostalgic about.


Even though I'm not old enough to have experienced the 70s, I'm guessing the country turned conservative beginning in the Reagan years.

The hippy era faded away and hard work replaced free expression.


Even though I'm not old enough to have experienced the 70s, I'm guessing the country turned conservative beginning in the Reagan years.

The hippy era faded away and hard work replaced free expression.

What? You really aren't vey familiar with history at all are you? America was always very conservative, especially in the 40's and 50's. That's what the hippies were rebelling against. The Regan era just came back to it.

dies ist meine unterschrift



Being a kid was better in the '50s, 60s, and '70s. Kids were free to play outside, all over the neighborhood and beyond, all day, with zero adult supervision. I couldn't survive psychologically as a kid today, with adult eyes on me every second, unable to go anywhere or do anything on my own or just with other kids. I drive down the residential streets in my town now, and you wouldn't know that any children live here. They're invisible. When I was a kid residential streets were teeming with kids playing in their yards, in the street, in parks, and in vacant lots, with no adults anywhere in sight. The way things are now would be a nightmare.
