MovieChat Forums > The Bad News Bears (1976) Discussion > If this movie was released in 2015...

If this movie was released in 2015...

- liberals would call for the firing of the president of the studio that financed the film along with every person involved with the movie. film would be boycotted

- there'd be nationwide "sit-in" protests at baseball stadiums

- there'd be a "national dialogue" on race relations and how the n-word affects the self-esteem of minorities

- articles would be written about how adults should treat fat children

did I miss anything?


That about sums it up. Lol


A very accurate analysis. Also probably a national dialogue on the negative effects to children from losing and how score keeping should be banned from all leagues. Or maybe have a therapist standing by in each dugout so when a kid strikes out he can have them lie on a bench and ask him how it makes him feel.


and every player in the league would get a trophy to prove no one is better than anybody else


- MRA neckbeards on Reddit complaining about the movie unrealistically portraying girls as being good at sports, that it's some feminazi plot or something.

- Bible people objecting to children saying "God damn" in the movie.


Conservatives would go bonkers about the insinuations regarding teen sex, and also the swearing as well. You gotta be nuts if you think conservatives made this movie. It was made at the height of liberal control of the media, which soon began to slip away under Reagan starting in the 80s. This movie got made because of liberals, not in opposition to them, but you may be right that equally large objections these days would also come from the currently humorless left.


Well, politics aside, the point is that the world has gone completely mentally ill with political correctness. And in general it's certainly not an illness that conservatives suffer from. Things may have been the reverse at the time, but certainly not now.


So not liking the word *beep* makes someone mentally ill or assumes that they're left-wing and humorless? That's not going overboard attempting to be 'politically' correct, that's showing compassion for another member of the human race.

For what it's worth, I am a Democrat but one who also thinks that our (US) society is far too obsessed with attempts to not hurt anyone's feelings. The notion of giving every participant in any contest a trophy because "we're all winners" sickens me. Even when I play checkers or Go Fish with my six year old niece I don't "let" her win. She does that on her own sometimes. :)


If you're talking about the N word, I did not make any comments about that in any of my posts. The whole subject of political correctness having a negative affect on the country is a legitimate topic to discuss, but I was pointing at the same things you are. About how there's leagues that don't keep score or they're not allowed to keep score in gym for fear that kids will be scarred for life if they lose a game of kickball. Things like that.


My fault. Looks like I combined your post with another. Thanks for responding :)




Calm the *beep* down. Both Conservstives and liberals are nuts and If this were released today, how bad of an example it is would be the only thing the two dumb ass, 3rd grade minds of both parties could agree on. However, soccer moms and Montessori school parents would be especially upset.


-- parents whining if their kids aren't perfect on the baseball field

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


You'd get an unfunny Billy Bob Thornton and a miscast Greg Kinnear as the heavy, with dialogue and plot as watered down as Buttermaker's non-alcoholic beer (required by the MPAA).

Oh, wait. That was 2005.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


There is no way it would be made today. I was 14c when it came out and sat there stunned at everything that was said. Stunned and laughing hysterically.


And, naturally, Ahmad slamming Buttermaker for his "honky bullzhit" would be completely ignored.


Completely agree with OP and others astute observations on how this movie would be perceived. Politically speaking, I believe Liberals would be far more offended by this movie than Conservatives, because at every turn it heavily trounces upon their delicate, politically correct world views. I loved every minute of it and pine for these glory days of cinema again.
