MovieChat Forums > Rollerball (1975) Discussion > sequel? (RollerBall 2058)

sequel? (RollerBall 2058)

Could a direct sequel to 1975 Rollerball work? Ignoring the horrific reboot like the way Halloween and now Robocop is doing

it'd be like Blade Runner 2049 (RB set 2018 like BR was set 2019 and then sequel 30y later or in RBs case 40-50y later) Caan could cameo as old Jonathon E (like HFord)..

We'd learn what happened immediately after RB1 (either by text or flashbacks)- presumably RB will have been discontinued and maybe there followed riots and rebellions against the Corporations and mass upheaval and eventually the world descended into chaos, wars etc then someone like Trump came to power and sorted the mess out and as a result the game is brought back more futuristic (Hoverskates? Hoverboards/bikes?) but not so violent/no deaths etc.. and we see Jonathan Es son (some 40y old guy like Cavill, Hardy, Fassbender, Farrell etc) become more and more popular but the establishment fears what happened before and tries to prevent it but in doing so ends up going down the same road leading to graphic R rated game deaths/carnage etc..(so basically it'd be like a remake dressed up as a sequel but with todays FX, scale, action of a modern $200m movie -similar to SW:TFA)
