No matter how far you drive, Amarillo is still unreachable.
No. But if you've ever been there, you know it should be.
convenience stores will sell shotguns to anyone passing through.
Never been to Texas, have you? Back then you could buy a trunk of .45s, anywhere from the local Guns & Drug Store to Myrtle's Beauty Emporium and Target Range.
4 people can wrestle around in an RV with 2 rattlesnakes for 5 minutes and not get fatally bit
It helps when the driver stubbornly refuses to apply the brakes and keeps hurtling down the highway at 65 mph until he hits a tree.
Hysterical screaming accomplishes even less than I previously thought.
Lara Parker accomplished a career out of it. That, and she makes Loretta Swit look like a bulldog in comparison.
--Oh, and one addition for the list:
When you are sitting in the RV outlining your plan for bringing in the Amarillo police to find the dead body and boasting about how you'll fix the satanists good--and you're also worried the guy fixing your broken rear window might actually overhear your plans and make things turn out really bad--THEN make sure you close the porous plastic screen because THAT will stop him from hearing you for SURE!