If their mother had died lets say 15 years later do you think Michael would have calmed down and decided to really forgive him or do you think his anger was so strong that there was no hope for him?
I think he still goes through with it. Based on what we see it Part 3, it seemed like killing Fredo was rock bottom for Michael, and it was this act that made him realize how evil he had become and he started to try to be a decent person. If their mother hadn't died so soon, I think he continues to be the soulless evil Don who continued to isolate himself from anyone who ever loved him, and perhaps when the day finally came, he would still realize the awfulness of it, however it would be to late for him to change anything about his life.
Ugh .. and that was so irritating. The idea that Michael would repent for what he did to Fredo almost shatters what we see in this movie. Better to forget Part III entirely
Yeah from what I have interpreted he never came back from Sicily, he rotted away in Don Tomassio's (sp???) for 20 years before dying alone. Kay most certainly blamed him for Mary's death as did Anthony and once she died any chance he ever had of reclaiming his family was gone.
I think part of the reason Michael said he didn't want anything to happen to Fredo while their Mother was still alive was because he knew she wouldn't be around much longer. Aside from her age she did appear to be not doing very well when Michael last spoke to her. So maybe he figured she wouldn't be around more than a year or two anyways.