where the tap really is

The Tap has been placed in Harry's saxophone.

Re-watch the scene at the convention when Harry confronts Martin stett (Harrison Ford).

As they are talking a man very quickly walks past them. when the man is out of shot Harry is for a split second distracted by him. Almost as if something has registered in his sub-conscious.

Now play this scene back in slow motion. The man is carrying a Saxophone.


No, no, no - this one is obvious, surely?

Remember the device Moran tests out at the surveillance trade show?

It works by ringing up the target phone once and then hanging up and then the phone is bugged from a distance? It doesn't require anything physical in the phone, it works remotely. This is shown to Caul right in front of his face and yet racked with guilt and suspicion he overlooks it, just like the obvious pen stunt also dupes him, even though it should ring obvious alarm bells, like everything else he falls for.

Anyway that's the tap - Moran's device. I'm surprised so many of you are saying all these other things.

Caul tearing up his whole apartment when all he had to was unplug his phone, which he probably never used anyway, was a sign of how yet again his guilt causes him to be completely off his game as a result of the fatal flaw of knowing the consequences of his shady wiretapping actions - conscience eating, devouring judgement.


i wondered, who even CARES where the tap is... Dude lives alone... What difference does it make if Harrison Ford is listening in on a Friday night of Harry playing the sax or complaining to his landlord? No need to destroy your freaking apartment.... Or heck... just move. less trouble than prying up floor-boards, ain't it?


Yeah, well, with him it`s a matter of principle. And professional pride.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Where the tap really is...

Nobody knows.

And that's the idea. Ask Coppola where the tap is and I'm sure he would tell you 'I don't know, that's for you to decide.'

Never defend crap with "It's just a movie"


If the movie had been made even 10 years later the studio would have demanded to end the film with a zoom into the sound-hole on Caul's Saxophone to emphasize "YES THATS WHERE THE BUG IS"

I personally think the blonde that stole the tapes shoved a bug up Hackman's ass while they were getting kinky with the foreplay, just like in Austin Powers 2.


I have no idea where the bug is, but how the hell will Harry explain that mess to his landlady? "Oh, gee, uh, I thought some corporate killers were bugging me, so I trashed the joint."

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


I'll go with the saxophone, than maybe his glasses. Don't think its the device that was demonstrated at the convention because I thought that had to be in the telephone.Best part Gomers girl friend Luann getting naked.


There is no tap. Someone was outside his door or window, briefly recording it.

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE doesn't leave!"


in his glasses they showed a close up of the girl adjusting the guy's glasses at the end.


The tap is the tiny surveillance cam, placed at one corner of the roof that goes left and right and left again and through which we see the final shot.

This is what I gathered when I saw the movie some 20 years ago.


The wire was in the saxophone. See the "trivia" section for the link to the youtube clip in which the screenwriter explains it.
