Little House Cliches?

What things happened so much on L.H. during the duration of it's run that they became clichés? I'll start;

-Charles breaking his ribs, getting beat up, getting hurt.

-Charles crying.

-Charles getting mad and storming off even though he was wrong because he didn't get his way.

-The family's crops somehow failing, and Charles hits the road to look for work.

-Mr. Edwards/Mr. Garvey going above and beyond to help Charles and family.

-Albert getting in trouble.

*Anymore I missed? Discuss....


Some more:

- A criminal/scammer has a change of heart and does the right thing in the end.

- Laura is broken-hearted because some boy likes someone else.

- Laura uses food to cause/solve problems: Apple falsies, cayenne as a substitute for paprika, and cinnamon chicken.

- Charles ignores another parent's wishes, meddles in some kid's business, and solves the problem, changing the parent's mind.

- Nels mumbling insults about Harriet.

- Charles without a shirt.

- Michael Landon (as Charles) laughing at the jokes he wrote so the audience will know they're supposed to be funny.

- Edwards or Garvey giving up faith until Charles brings them back.

- Charles curing someone's drug or alcohol addiction.

I'm just expressing my opinion.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


-Laura and Mary wearing those horrible blue Sunday school dresses for years and years.


You know back then it's usual to wear the same clothing for years on end. And Sunday dresses especially.


someone "Burning up with fever"... followed by being laid in a bed of ice


The Congregation knew TWO hymns..

Bringing in the Sheaves
Onward Christian Soldiers

I mean, really. Not even Amazing Grace?


Don't be ridiculous! The also knew "Go Tell It On The Mountain".


This is an interesting thread. What I noticed are:

The Ingalls family never having enough money to buy what they really need or want.

Mrs. Oleson constantly thinking she and her family are better than everyone else in Walnut Grove.

Farmers having trouble paying off their charge accounts at Oleson's Mercantile and Mrs. Oleson constantly complaining about payment.

Nellie and Willie constantly eating candy.

Doc Baker constantly giving bad news.

Charles and Caroline having Laura constantly apologize to Nellie whenever Laura gets revenge for anything mean that Nellie does.

Come to Middle-Earth, a world beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination


Reverend Alden reciting Psalm 23 to the Congregation. "The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want."

Talking? During horse head bookends?


He felt guilty about murdering his wife. You know, the woman he got married to and we never saw (or heard mentioned) again! I guess she was under some floorboards somewhere.


Excuse me I didn't murder Anna!!! I didn't realize she was a lush until we got married and her eyes turned yellow!!! I sent her away to dry out in a sanatorium, and she never came back. All in ONE episode too!!!


Carrie has to go.

I swear she spent more time in the outhouse than the whole family together.


The whole series was a 1970s cliché of the worst kind. That's why it's great to make fun of it!


Open minded and educated solutions to issues taking place not only in the 19th century, but in an isolated Midwestern farm hamlet.

The Ingalls's (and every other family who aren't the Oleson's) evening meal consisting of beef stew on a tin plate.

Nellie and Willie's hand in the candy jar, and Mr. Oleson yelling at them about it.


The whole town is a bunch of broke people vs a bunch of rich people....the wealthy are automatically evil because they don't give enough to the poor.


-Baby Grace appearing at the dinner table in certain episodes and others not appearing at all.
-Someone is always eating beef stew and bisquits at their house.
-The Ingalls being the only family in Walnut Grove that keeps adopting kids yet refuses to build extra rooms onto the house.
- A new town bully or bad guy appearing many times and as someone else mentioned - Either Nellie or Mrs. Oleson kisses up to them.
-As a couple people mentioned: the one-hit-wonder beloved towns folk you never see or hear from again.
-With the exception of Almonzo - Laura falling for a new boy at school and the boy eventually falling for her yet we never see these boys again.
-Charles always getting to the bottom or source of these plagues that hit Walnut Grove.
-Charles, Albert or Almanzo burning dinner when attempting to cook.
-Harriet and Nels Oleson constantly bickering, Nels mumbles an insult under his breath. Harriet saying "Oh is that so?"
-People putting the blame on someone else after a family member croaks.
-Laura wearing that 2 piece flowered brown and blue dress. Caroline wearing that blue flowered shirt.
-Mary constantly scolding Laura in the bed.
-Willie always eating, in the corner or in the outhouse.
-Mr. Edwards singing "Old Dan Tucker" everywhere he goes.
