What is the best episode?




Junkyard scene at the end of the Zombie is the greatest moment in the TV show.

Although there are moments in "The Ripper", "Spanish Moss Murders" and "The Vampire" that are still extremely creepy, that scene from "The Zombie" more than any other seems to be the one that people point to as their favourite. As far as being suspenseful and unnerving to watch, the junkyard sequence is probably the high water mark for this or any other horror-themed series done for television.


The Sentry (so shoot me I like this episode, it's a good idea and excellent setting even if the monster is cheesy.) - raj_dronamraju

I like this episode for all the reasons you mention including the cheesy monster. Not only is that standard operating procedure for Kolchak, but as a fan of classic Doctor Who, I have a fondness for cheesy monsters/"men in rubber suits"/etc.

However, the main reason I like "The Sentry" is that it features Darren McGavin's real-life wife, Kathie Browne, as his police antagonist Irene. Their interplay is delightful, and McGavin certainly looks as if he's having a ball. In the scene in which the three reporters, including Kolchak, are quizzing Irene, and she asks them something along the lines of "you don't want to make this difficult for me, do you?" (can't recall the exact dialog), as the two other reporters are shaking their heads and saying, "oh, no, of course not," Kolchak is nodding his head vigorously and grinning broadly the entire time.

I was enchanted by Kathie Browne when I first saw her in the Star Trek episode "Wink of an Eye." Definitely a treat for my adolescent eyes. Looking at "The Sentry" recently, I can't say that Browne was a talented actor, but she is still enjoyable, particularly in her interactions with McGavin.
"Share and enjoy!" - Sirius Cybernetics Corporation



If by "best" you mean most effective, believable, well-executed, and so on, then for me it's a toss-up between "The Ripper" and "The Vampire," and if forced to choose between one, I'll go with "The Ripper."

"Favorite" episodes are another matter. Those would be, in no order except broadcast order:

"The Ripper"
"They Have Been, They Are, They Will Be . . . "
"The Vampire"
"The Werewolf"
"The Devil's Platform"
"The Spanish Moss Murders"
"The Energy Eater"
"Horror in the Heights"
"The Sentry"

Some of my favorite moments occur in episodes that are not very good. For instance, "The Trevi Collection" is very disappointing, but it contains my favorite exchange between Kolchak and Vincenzo. When they are looking at photographs that the episode's first victim, who had been defenestrated* by the possessed mannequins, had taken, Vincenzo remarks, "Not much of a photographer." Kolchak, having seen the man thrown out the window, replies, "Not much of skydiver, either." Not just Kolchak's rejoinder but Vincenzo's reaction shot are priceless.

* "defenestrated" means "having been thrown from a window"--and how often do you get to use the word?

"Share and enjoy!" - Sirius Cybernetics Corporation


The Zombie. Besides that frightening looking foe the supporting cast was fabulous and deep- a treasure trove of great character actors. And some of the funniest lines in the entire series came out of this ep.



Very late, I know.

The Zombie.

My wife and I watched this when it first aired but haven't seen it since. I'm hoping to pick up the DVD soon.
The scene where Kolchak is sewing the lips of the zombie in the back of the station wagon...
chilling. To this very day.


The scene where Kolchak is sewing the lips of the zombie in the back of the station wagon... chilling. To this very day.

Yes, that sequence is perhaps the high water mark when it comes to made for television horror. And in spite of this, neither "The Zombie" nor any of the other strong contenders in this series (spine-tinglers like "The Ripper", "The Vampire", "Horror In The Heights" and "The Spanish Moss Murders") received even a single emmy nomination. "The X-Files" was that rare instance in which horror actually got some respect from the voting academy.


"The X-Files" was that rare instance in which horror actually got some respect from the voting academy.

Karl and Tony were ahead of their time. My wife and I will still exchange that knowing look when the conversation turns to great horror scenes.


"Horror in the Heights" rates as this show's finest hour by far.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


Three favourites, not just one...

Legacy Of Terror
The Knightly Murders
The Sentry


Zombie - Who didn't jump up when he opens his eyes?


"The Vampire", "The Spanish Moss Murders" or "Horror in the Heights"


The Ripper (the scene in the closet where Kolchack is inches away from the ripper is still terrifying.)

The Spanish Moss Murders (Louisiana legend theme).
