Which was probably a good idea. Actors have been known to go on unofficial strike, slow down or even stop production by throwing a tantrum and/or disappearing from or showing up late to the set. Given this was a low budget film and such things cost production time and money they clearly didn't have, it was easier to mislead her by not telling her about it and sneaking the stripper on to the set for the scene while she wasn't present.
firstwinsgop-1 wrote:
They never even asked her because she had already said she wouldn't do lower body nudity prior to casting. But when she found out they had snuck in a stripper and shot additional footage she was enraged for two reasons:
1. She claimed her butt wasn't nearly as big as the stripper's.
2. She thought the dancing was lewd, and didn't want people thinking she did it.
So while we can infer that she would have been unwilling if asked for the exact reason you cite, the reality is she was never asked in the first place. They just did it. Same thing with the dubbing. Britt worked really hard on her Scottish accent and thought she did a great job during shooting, but then they just decided to dub over all her dialog in post without even telling her.