Quite possibly one of the most boring and unintentionally, hilarious films I've ever seen. Not once did this crapfest give any hint of being the scariest movie of all time. I kept expecting it to pick up at some point, but it just became an over the top comedy once the demon showed up in the girl. The only scary part was when that one phone rang, being louder than it should've been. I know baby boomers want to feel like movies from their generation were the best, but sorry, this is not one of those movies.
When I first saw this movie back in 1980 I was only four years old. The movie scared me then. Watching it now, I find a lot of the dialog to be hysterical. This is because of the things that are coming out of Regan's mouth. To me a lot of it sounds like a late 80s standup routine that someone like Sam Kinison or Andrew Dice Clay would have done. Which is actually kind of sad that from 1973 to the late 1980s that we had degraded so much as a society. I'm wondering how old the original poster is. I have seen some of this person's posts on other threads and they are almost always intolerant, judgemental, and for the most part obnoxious.
First of all, leave "baby boomers" out of this. Baby boomers didn't have phones to play on while the movie's showed. We didn't miss out on half the movie because we were texting bae. Baby boomers didn't buy movie tickets to sit for two hours while they tried to cop a feel from their dates. Baby boomers sat in darkened theaters with no distractions, in front of big screens and watched a movie go farther than any movie that came before it ever had in depicting demonic possession. For the record, please point out to me how the slow burn of watching a little girl's body become scarred, and twisted from demonic possession was laughable. There was nothing comedic about it. Nothing to be mistaken as humor. Nothing lame, badly written or poorly acted. Even the visual effects (for its time) were done very convincingly. You're just a little puss who couldn't handle it and would rather ridicule anyone who liked it and laugh it off so you'll have an excuse to never watch it again.
And if you're truly not scared by this movie, you still deserve no credit. Anyone unaffected by it must be more frightening than the movie itself. What must be inside you to leave you unafraid of it?
It was great in its time imo. It hasn't aged very well at all though. People need to stop throwing it around as the scariest movie of all time, it's not doing the film any good when it comes to new audiences. Unless you are new to horror or see it while you are still really young it's just not going to have the same effect on most people today as it did back then(at least in regards to the scare factor).
I totally agree. This movie may have scared me as a child, but not as an adult. Regan's dialog is patently ridiculous, not to mention hilarious. What is it with the obsession with sex and a certain male body part in this movie? The demonizing of sex just stinks of religious indoctrination. I do like the atmosphere, though, especially when Kris is walking home from filming, but I believe that's where it ends for me.
I was talking to Effie. But I think back in 73 this movie was very scary and shocking. It doesn't have the same punch now since movies today just recycle the same plots and jump scares with each new movie. I actually find movies about threatening human beings scarier than any movie about poltergeists or demons.
If you are really into movies, this still is very good. The story is more than just about a possessed girl and some of the scenes are still shocking today. Technically the movie gets an A for something that was made almost 50 years ago. It's impressive. If you think the movie is scary or not scary, the movie is still very well done.