MovieChat Forums > Don't Look Now Discussion > The sex scene is very unnecessary

The sex scene is very unnecessary

I thought this was a very good film, but a few flaws prevent it from being a great film. The sex scene ruined it a bit for me. It seemed to be in there just for the sake of being risque, it did nothing to advance the plot, and it really didn't say anything about the characters. It was just there to take up time, shock people, grab people's interest who were bored with the dramatic parts.

It doesn't bother me that it's there, but the fact that it goes on for so long is just completely unnecessary. Yes, people have sex. But I don't watch films to watch people have sex. If it advances the plot, or reveals things about the characters, that's fine. But this is just sex, and it goes on and on.

Like I said, the film is very good, but this scene interrupts the mood of the film and is completely out of place.


I thought the scene was beautiful: it showed two intimate people comfortable with their own nudity, perhaps enjoying themselves in a long time since the tragedy. It seemed like two people trying to retain a sense of humanity by bonding together.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


I thought the scene was beautiful: it showed two intimate people comfortable with their own nudity, perhaps enjoying themselves in a long time since the tragedy. It seemed like two people trying to retain a sense of humanity by bonding together.
Very eloquently stated, almost as eloquently as the scene was filmed!

Normally I cringe at sex scenes because they appeal to prurient interests and have little or nothing to do with the plot. These days, films include sex scenes to reach a certain demographic -- generally the horny teenage male (or males who have never gotten past the horny teenage stage).

But in "Don't Look Now," the scene was essential to developing the characters of these two tortured souls. They needed each other emotionally as well as physically, and we needed to see that.


This is what I say about the sex scene in DLN: Try to imagine what the film would be like without it. Superficially, it may seem unnecessary. But remove it, and it's like an orchestra playing a piece of music with, say, the woodwinds removed. Something is missing.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


Right you are. That scene is completely necessary to our understanding of the film in general and the couple in particular. As strange as this film is, it's believable because of scenes like that. Sadly, if it were made today, that scene probably wouldn't have made it, or at least would have been filmed much differently – for the audience's arousal rather than its understanding.


"Sadly, if it were made today, that scene probably wouldn't have made it, or at least would have been filmed much differently – for the audience's arousal rather than its understanding."

Actually, I think they would have found ten minutes of "new material" to substitute for it.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?



As with most sex scenes, it was a show-stopper in the worst sense. It did NOT advance the plot or character understanding. The film firmly establishes the nature of the characters' relationship both before and after the sex scene. We learn nothing from this overdone, over-long scene. The preceding scene in the bathroom with Sutherland on the scale, etc., was sufficient at establishing intimacy. The sex scene took me out of the movie and made me embarrassed for the actors and crew.


I remember reading in a film magazine (possibly Empire or Total film) a few years ago that it is considered one of the sexiest sex scenes in a film. I don't agree with that. I didn't find it sexy at all but it was very tender and showed the couple trying to recover from the loss. They may be grieving but they still have so much love. That sounds so twee :)


From what I hear they were actually have "real" sex in this movie.


Is it wrong that the sex scene was my favourite part?

Sex is the most awful, filthy thing on earth and you should save it for someone you love.


I completely disagree with the reasons you give for this scene. It's not there to shock people or grab bored people's interest, that's just a cynical view on filmmaking.

To me it has to do with emotions, there's real real love between the John and Laura, and it shows there and then. The whole film vibrates with emotions, so it's not a strange scene within the whole anyway.

It's also part of the tragedy that enfolds. The way the movie starts makes us feel that it is a tragedy, and John and Laura have to cope with the death of their child - which in real life often ends up in divorce. John and Laura don't divorce, but the pain is there, and they're coping with it. The love scene is the moment they're really together. After that, it's only the logical conclusion of a tragedy: death.

"When there is no more room in the Oven,
the Bread will walk the Earth."


Don't know if it was unnecessary or not but it sure was an overrated scene


The sex scene was the most horrific part of the film for me! I was like "make it end".

And you get to see a row of naked Donalds in the mirror too.



yeah i thought it was pointless too and way too long. Id been hearing about DLN's infamous steamy sex scene for years, finally saw it and was just bored!!



I somehow feel it was necessary;it added to the atmosphere.And after the death of their child it was the first time that they had sex,so it was full of passion mainly emanating from the slight hope that their son may be alive,as predicted by the two clairvoyant sisters.


This is most definitely one of the best and most moving sex scenes I have ever seen. It's honest and intimate, and as many have mentioned, essential for the character development.

Some of the people who write here just probably haven't had that good sex, and thus can't relate.


I can't believe not one person mentioned that they just enjoyed seeing Julie Christie nude.


I did!
