This movie sucks!

Okay it may have influenced some other movies but I was just watching it now and I stopped because it's ,BORING.

The movie goes like this:

Bunch of teenagers are driving around.
Then they are dancing at the school party.
Again, they are driving around.
Again, they are dancing at the school party.
Again, they are driving around.

This is when I press the stop button.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:
Some guy doesn't want to leave the rural town even though he got a scolarship.
Some guy is driving around in a yellow car with a girl that is like 12 years old.

I mean seriously , what's the big hype about this movie?

Dazed and confused , which I don't like very much, is great compared to this one.
I don't even have to compare Grease , which is an outstanding movie.


This clown gave the dreadfully boring BvS an 8, the horrific Last Witch Hunter an 8and says this movie sucks. Pretty much tells me ALL I nee to know about their tastes (and lack there of) in movies.


I agree with you completely, OP! The only good thing about this movie was the music. The Las Picture Show was the best!


It's called "slice of life."

This is the kind of movie that absorbs and immerses you in everyday occurrences. And I love it.


Did you grow up? Did you figure out why this is one of the greatest films ever made?


They are all on the precipice between teen and adult life; between 1950s hamburger stands and high school hops, and 1960s social unrest and war. That’s why they have the biographies of the characters at the end. One stays in town, gets a boring job, marries his high school sweetheart. One goes to Vietnam and dies. One continues racing until he dies in a crash. One goes off to college, becomes a journalist in Canada (maybe to escape the draft?). In this movie they are still together but their actions on this night reflect the different directions they will go in life.


OP's thoughts are spot-on. I felt the same way. The movie dragged on. Just random nonsense --- Like some dude randomly picks up a kid. He drives around with her. They pull a prank on another car, cutting the tires. They have an argument ("babysittin"). They make up. He takes her home and gives her a lighter. Then that's that.

Then the nerdy kid. He picks up a random girl named Debbie. He tries to buy her alcohol. His car gets stolen. He gets beaten up by the thieves. He gets rescued. Then that's that.

Etc etc.

Like, what's the point of it all. To what end?

Just an awful, meaningless movie. And the endless 1950s music in every scene began to give me a headache.


What's the point of life? That's what the point is. The film is about a moment in time, particular to the era, but one that every generation faces upon leaving high school. They're not kids any more, but not yet quite adults, either; they have many possibilities ahead of them, but few certainties about which to pursue; they feel as if they have all the time in the world, but know on some level that the choices they make right now will shape the rest of their lives. This last night is when they run through all the silliness & seriousness of high school days for the last time as active participants. But after that, high school will always be memories & nostalgia, not current life.


It doesn't suck in any way. Too bad for you that you are unable to enjoy it.
