This movie sucks!

Okay it may have influenced some other movies but I was just watching it now and I stopped because it's ,BORING.

The movie goes like this:

Bunch of teenagers are driving around.
Then they are dancing at the school party.
Again, they are driving around.
Again, they are dancing at the school party.
Again, they are driving around.

This is when I press the stop button.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:
Some guy doesn't want to leave the rural town even though he got a scolarship.
Some guy is driving around in a yellow car with a girl that is like 12 years old.

I mean seriously , what's the big hype about this movie?

Dazed and confused , which I don't like very much, is great compared to this one.
I don't even have to compare Grease , which is an outstanding movie.



Your last line says everything we need to know. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Buh bye.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


You can't possible understand this movie because you didn't live it. Cruising and hanging out were very popular from the 50s to the 80s. To understand it you would have had to live it.


That is what actually makes this movie mediocre, the need to explain why it is good. Good movies don't need explanation, they just vibe, they have that little something that keeps people watching them. Fellini's movies have that little "something". Some John Landis' movies have that "something". Unfortunately, only some of Lucas' movies have it too (first three "Star Wars", first three "Indiana Jones" movies). While I wouldn't say American Graffiti "sucked" (there are far worse movies out there), I wouldn't praise it as a good movie either. It just doesn't seem to connect with people who didn't experience the context.


This post has been deleted by an administrator.

(Well, it will be, so I might as well take care of it myself!)


Why does everyone keep saying "fancy car" that's a cheap hot rod, meant to be built with your hands and on a budget. I figured that kid didn't really care about school so he fixed up his car instead after all it's a 32 coupe

If you don't believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.



Now you are generalizing. I said the movies that are truly timeless don't need additional explanations or the context of living in that period to be recognized as timeless. It is those that praise this movie that are saying "you need to have lived in that period to understand it" thing, while at the same time claiming it to be "timeless". It is a contradiction.



It's a contradiction which is none the less true.


I believe many responders to this thread are missing the point. The argument here seems to be, "You don't appreciate this movie because you were not a teenager at the time." I totally disagree.

I was only two years old when this movie was to have taken place (1962/63). My kids saw it the other day. They were born in the '90s. We all love has nothing to do with the time frame. The OP's synopsis of the "plot" is drive around and go to a dance and drive around. Okay, true. But you're leaving out...
_ Great writing
_ Realistic characters
_ Great performances
_ Great filmmaking (direction, editing, etc.)
_ Same teenage doubt/bravado/fear of adulthood as today, tomorrow, anytime.

My daughter is 18...the same age as the teenagers in the movie, and she is definitely immersed in iPhone/Internet/Tumblr/Hip Hop culture. Still, she found it relatable and funny and entertaining.

If you couldn't get into this movie, you were probably texting during most of it and did not allow yourself to get into it. Try it again some other might like it with another viewing.

By the way, you're kidding about "Grease," right?


I just saw that movie and it was beautiful. Stunningly beautiful.


First, you need to leave your parents cellar and to pay rent somewhere?
If you lived at the time..that's the way it was!
Nuff said



ive been watching it for about 45 minutes now and cant stay awake....this movie is BORING


Are you per-chance watching it on Film 4 (UK) like me just now??

Lucca Brasi sleeps with the fishes!!!


no, im in the was on showtime
