Dull, dull, dull

Despite repeated attempts, I have never managed to watch this movie all the way through; I usually die of boredom about an hour in, and this is very unusual for me (after a lifetime of enthusiasm about movies, this and Jean-Luc Goddards "Weekend" are the only movies I've ever walked out of).

Does anything ever actually happen? Other than a lot of pretentious yakking?

(Contrariwise I loved the Soderburgh version.)


I agree... I find this boring as well..

"Thats a pickle no doubt about it"


Science is about answers

LivingDog, you have absolutely no understanding of science.

Science is about asking questions and in seeking those answers has to ask more questions.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.



^ Exactly my thoughts about Space Odyssey.



I hate turning movies off without finishing them, but I made it through part one of this film and stopped. I just couldn't get into it, which I was really bummed about since I had seen Andrei Rublev and enjoyed it a lot. I also like other slow paced movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Walkabout, The Leopard and Terrence Malick films, but I guess I was somehow more interested in what was happening with those movies than I was with this one. Maybe I'll watch this movie again years from now and enjoy it more, but for now all I can say is that I haven't been this bored watching a film since I saw Death in Venice.



"I haven't been this bored watching a film since I saw Death in Venice."

This about wraps it up for most people who don't appreciate Tarkovsky. You are simply not watching it in the right time and from the right perspective. Maybe you expect something completely different, or maybe you are just not in the right mood. "Dull, dull, dull" is not an actual aesthetic value - it's the description of the viewer's state of mind. But your state of mind changes, as well as your perspective, through life.
When it comes to Solaris, I'd recommend you to try watching it in the key of the theme music - a Bach chorale. It explains itself actually: a slow, baroque piece, made as a learning tool for organ players, in the Name of the Lord.


Does anything ever actually happen?

Quite simply no one can answer that question. That's why Tarkovsky left it for you to decide.


"Quite simply no one can answer that question."

Come on, plenty happens in this film. It's just a debate as to what happens.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Just watched Solaris and I'm finding this thread really interesting. Three pages of people agreeing that this film is dull, boring, "pretentious" (everyone loves that word) and very difficult to get through without turning off.

If I hadn't seen Solaris and I read some of these descriptions I would assume that it consisted of a still image of an empty room for five or six hours.

What I experienced was a really interesting story, beautiful imagery and an even more beautiful and talented lead actress. Overall an enjoyable film.

But now it seems that because I liked it I must be an arrogant, pseudo-intellectual snob. So, that sucks. I can't help what films I enjoy.




dull indeed. I hate it when people believe that we're forced to like it and never ever allowed to criticize films like this because they're slow paced. People should be more sincere about what they like and what they dont and i sure as hell didnt like this film at all!

it bored me to tears, it really did. But I have to say that there was a little 'somthing' about it and i cant put my finger on it. I found it boring as hell but i'd like to see it again someday. weird!

I once read that names which begin with the letter 'S' are the names of SNAKES!


"People should be more sincere about what they like and what they don`t".

Indeed - so admit you liked Solaris. ADMIT IT, SWINE!

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I kind of liked it, yes. But that doesn't change the fact that is's dull, haha.

I once read that names which begin with the letter 'S' are the names of SNAKES!
