Over the decades I've found that some things that are generally regarded as erudite, top quality, must sees or what have you, really click with me. And others just don't.
It so happens that I utterly love Tarkovsky's Solaris. (I also love the BBC audio adaptation, but only quite like the novel (which I've read in two translations so far), as I consider it a bit long-winded and unfocused. I don't like the Soderbergh film, and I haven't seen the first Solaris film (the 1968 TV movie).)
But for those of you who don't - hey, nothing works for everyone. Not liking it doesn't make you an idiot. Telling people they are pretentious pseuds for liking it does make you an idiot, but if you're not doing that, no problem!
That's the clock done, now for the chairs.