Realise you posed this question a while ago, but I saw the remake first
They're two completely different films ... I found the remake quite watchable – it wasn't a bad film, but perhaps lacked a certain clarity in what it was trying to do .. It felt almost like a TV movie to me – albeit one set in a factory (because one thing it didn't quite achieve was the sense of isolation and of being in space)
The original is one of the greatest films of all time, but you certainly have to be in the right mood for it – for me, maybe 1am with not much to do the next day, plus I'd usually watch it in two parts
The slow pace for the first 40-50 minutes would send the typical western audience to sleep these days ... I've not got the best attention span myself ... But it's very deliberate on Tarkovsky's part – it's made to slow you down; it was made even to slow 1970s audiences down .. To get you in that relaxed, dream-like, alpha state, before the movie really begins - which is when he gets to the space station
I'd say the whole first act is nothing more than a video sequence designed to lull an audience into a state of semi-sleep
Because once the film gets started, it's certainly not slow – not even self-indulgent .. It's really nail-bitingly compelling, and makes the remake feel much slower and more self-indulgent by comparison .. The relationship has such a strange, believable quality, as does the idea they're a long way from home .. I come away from the film feeling like I've been on holiday and fallen in love – but feeling maybe the whole thing was a dream ... Deeply affecting and serene – I love 2001 as well, but Solaris feels more human