About the Rabbits

You people do not to to which the extent of your critisism goes. Why do you poke fun? Why do you jeer? Is it because the premise seems ridiculous? Yes, I suppose it would to ignorant, two legged, large creatures such as yourselves. The rabbits seem laughable. Don't they? They could never be vicious, they could never be mean. No, they are just there for you to pet and feed and for your children to traumatize with their grubby little hands picking them up all the time. The rabbits seem harmless. The rabbits seem weak. But oh, you buffoons have no idea. You have no clue what you say, and you do not know what you think. The rabbits are listening. The rabbits are crafty and clever, and they forget nothing. Soon now is the time when the rabbits will be patient no more, when they have had enough of your thick tongues and grubby hands. And you, dear long-legged, clumsy reader, will have no one to turn to when the rabbits come for you. The rabbits will have their revenge, the rabbits will teach you a lesson, the rabbits will bury you, and I do mean all of you. There will be no mercy, for just by being on this board and critisizing the rabbits, you have enlisted yourself in the ranks of the damned. There may be a chance for redemption, if you act quickly. So the rabbits have commanded me to deliver, and so you HAVE been warned.


Agree with you. Time to avenge all the members of the rabbit community killed by human transport and firearms!


Foolish long eared, fluffy tailed mammals. You are no match for the Space Spider Imperium. This world will be ours.

Bow to your Eight-Legged Masters or die.

Get out of my head, Charles!
