This movie was terrible on all levels.
I'm a movie fan. I enjoy pretty much all genres. I seek out exploitation and violent horror films with the same enthusiasm I'd give to a well made Hollywood blockbuster. In the film depravity scale, I've witnessed a lot of ****ed up movies, yet this is one heralded "classic" I put off seeing until the other night (not because I was apprehensive).
Anyways, I feel this movie failed in pretty much every department. The acting was universally awful, the musical score hyper-ironic to the point of self parody, the film quality and production in tatters, the editing choices undermining, the editing and directing misguided, the continuity/timeline porous, the writing/dialogue unrealistic, and the premise a far-fetched coincidence.
I'm sure it shocked back in the day, and it does have some awful scenes, but I found nothing at all redeeming in this film. I do not know how it achieved its cult status. Ultimately it was ineffective in my opinion. I'll go so far as to say this is one of the most hyped, terrible movies I've ever seen.
Keep in mind I went into this movie expecting an exploitation blueprint from the golden age of cinema, willing to overlook all the budget restraints and technological limitations of the time.