Original or Remake?
I haven't seen the remake yet it hasn't came down to UK cinemas but I'm going to to see it the first day it comes out down here, but which film is better? I know that the new guy playing Krug is no where near as good as David Hess I knew that from the moment I saw the trailer but the rest of it does look as if it could be better though I do really enjoy the original because Wes is involved and he was involved with the Hills Have Eyes remake which I liked a lot more than the original film and by the looks of things the methods of killing look different and it seems it revolves more around the revenge rather than the girls being killed and they talk about what they should do before they attack, instead of just going for it straight away. Which do you like more the original or the remake? With reasons, instead of just basically saying "The originals the best because it's the original".
AUGUST 28TH, 2009