MovieChat Forums > The Last House on the Left (1972) Discussion > Question for everybody here who has seen...

Question for everybody here who has seen the movie

Two actually.

1. What did you think of the movie?

and 2. What sex are you?


I think it was good. Not one of the best I've seen, but it was entertaining.



1) Loved the film (first saw it when I was 12 in the late 80s)
2) I'm female





1. It's ok for what it is. The Virgin Spring was a lot better. So, I'd rather watch that. But, it is ok. Ok acting, ok dialog, editing is decent and there are weird bits of humor with the cops that seem oddly out of place. Not at bad as I thought it would be violence-wise. A lot of things happen off-camera, but it is still disturbing. You can see where Nightmare on Elm Street comes from viewing this film. The contrast shots of the forest vs. cruelly are good too, which remarks on how nature is cruel, but overall, the Virgin Spring has a lot more to say on the matter of morality and religion, etc. This is more bloody exploitive version of it without the deepness.

2. I'm female. I like a lot of horror films. Not so keen on the Hostel type fare or things like this, but I like having a cinema education.


1. Horrendous. (More like an extremely tasteless comedy than a horror film.)
2. Male


First saw it when I was 16 and it bothered me, I couldn't watch it again. The horrible things happening to those 2 girls played against the inept cops rang far too true. That's the highest compliment I can give a horror film. And though I will never see it again, it remains an all-time favorite.


Might I add that I think the age also has a determining factor?


I saw the movie when it came out in 1972 when I was living in Florida at a drive in .. when we drove in they gave us some kind of bag , I just laid that down and didn't pick it back up until we got home .. I'm female by the way .. anyway .. it scared me to death .. I was 18 at that time and I kept telling myself that it was only a movie .. after we got home , I looked at the bag they gave us and it was a bag to vomit in .. and it said , just keep telling yourself it's just a movie and you won't thow up .. I wished I had kept that bag .. lol .. I saw The Virgin Spring this morning and that's why I ended up on this site .. I will never forget seeing LHTL and I have never seen it for the second time .. Don't know if I ever will .. peace to ya .


Saw it in college on VHS back in the 90s. I had never heard of it until I saw the film. I picked it up from the video store, because the cover looked interesting. Well, it changed my life. I fell in love with the movie and its' hapless and demented characters. I've seen it many times over in the past 17 or so years. They just don't make horror like this anymore!



I love this movie for some reason. the acting isn't the greatest by some and it is a bit dated but never the less it is one of my favourites. so gritty and disturbing. and like a previous poster stated it almost seemed like a snuff film.

