Most definitely, yes! The movie brings to life the power of intellect and reason to make things better for all, rather than the much easier and more immediately gratifying acts of self-interest. As others have pointed out better than I, these men could have gone on about their business without upsetting the apple cart, but they aspired to something greater. There are so many worthwhile lessons brought out in this play and movie, some of which are particularly applicable to today's political environment.
As part of an activist group, I researched the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, the writings of Voltaire and Rousseau and others whose writings influenced the men portrayed in this film. It gave me a much deeper understanding of the struggles that went into the formation of this nation.
Besides the loftier points, I am tickled by the oratory, the wit, the decency even among bitter rivals that is often lacking today. Even long-time members of our current Congress lament the loss of decency in their daily debates.
And, think what you will, I too get a little choked up watching the conclusion of the movie as those signatures were applied. Heady stuff!