It's interesting that whenever nudity in this film appears as a topic, people almost always focus on the nudity of the white girl and white boy, but seldom mention or seem to have a problem with the aboriginal nudity (either from David Gulpilil or any of the other aboriginals in this film, several of whom are small children).
Let's be brutally honest here-- I think most people who seem to focus on this while disregarding the aboriginal nudity are Caucasians (I myself am Caucasian).
As others have pointed out, all of the nudity in this film is non-sexualized and innocent. What we see in this film (among other things) are nude human beings, some of them very young, some of them very old.
What is wrong with that?
If you look at the trailer for this film contained on the DVD, at the time the film was released it had the endorsement of a parenting magazine, presumably for the film's educational potential regarding nature (including humankind's place in it).
Opinions are like tattoos-- everybody has one.