lets stop quoting the law blindly..in 1859,in many states,it was legal to own black people..until recently,it was legal in texas for a cuckolded husband to kill his wife..in some bible belt states,its till illegal for gays to have consentual sex..in some counties of nevada,gambling ,pot,and prostitution are legal,in other places you go to jail..laws are not sacrosanct,and they are frequently passed in support of the moral prejudices of a slight majority..we know whats right and wrong..and we know that adolescents are old enough to decide about sex,its a biological imperative..lets give them education at the front end and help,when needed,at the back end..of course they will make mistakes,just like 40 year olds do..rules,as opposed to laws,prohibiting sex between teachers and pupils,doctors and patients,lawyers and clients etc..are designed to protect all people from being exploited in a "power" relationship and have civil consequences such as lawsuits and loss of licenses..we can extend that to teachers and pupils,parents and their children,etc..but laws saying sex between two 16 year olds is ok,and not injurious,but sex betwenn a 16 yearold and a 19 year old is terrible has nothing to do with protecting "kids" and everything to do with moral hangups..